Exercise in Immersion 4
Marnix de Nijs
(V2_) |
2007 |
head-mounted display, sensors, microphone, video, sound, video, generative abstract animation, sound, single-user, 360 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to head position, game with unknown goal, unconscious choices about narrative, indoors, anywhere, long setup, game, art-game, Deaf 07, crash suit
Generative Graffiti
Theo Watson
(Eyebeam's Graffiti Research Lab) |
2006 |
spacial projection, lit window recognition, Maritime Hotel, generative abstract animation, multi-user, 180 large field of view, natural eye movement, non-lineair animation reacts to the lit windows in the hotel, space- specific, outdoors, hotel, generative, graffiti, projection, architecture
Tour Des Convoyeurs
Olivier Ratsi, Joanie Lemercier, Thomas Vaquié
(AntiVJ) |
2009 |
spacial projection, videomapping, Old Port’s Conveyors’ Tower, abstract animation, sound, multi-user, large field of view, linear narrative, space-specific, specially created for Mutek Festival, projectionmapping, light