Ar Magic System
Martín Nadal, Damien Stewart, Javier Lloret, Blanca Rego, Julio Lucio y Jordi Puig
(Lalalab) |
2007 |
big screen, face recognition, video, video, multi-user, 180 large field of view, no narrative, anywhere, Medialab Prado, Openframework, face
AR Sneaker Experience
Sid Lee
(Metaio, Adidas) |
2010 |
desktop, graphic image recognition, marker logo's, generated animation, single-user, small field of view, reactive to object position, first-person shooter game, conscious choice about narrative, in front of any computer with webcam, ARvertising, game, mARketing, fashion
AR+RFID Lab at the Kröller-Müller Museum
Yolande Kolstee, Wim van Eck, Melissa Coleman, Pawel Pokutycki
2009 |
headmounted, graphic image recognition, marker logo's, still, single-user, 360 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to head position, laptop on wheels, still, space-specific, sculpture, garden, Kröller-Müller Museum
Sander Veenhof / SNDRV
2010 |
flashmob, event, Smartphone, shape recognition, marker, 3d still, multi-user, 360 small field of view, statue, Amsterdam, reactive to hand position, no narrative, Dam square
Augmented Environments Lab
(GVU) |
2009 |
handheld phone, graphic image recognition, image, map, generative animation, sound, single-user, 360 choice of perspective, small field of view, reactive to hand position, physical objects, first person shootergame, conscious choice about narrative, phisical objects trigger events, any surface, anywhere, quick setup, skittles, game, zombies
Audio Space
Theo Watson
2005 |
headphones, microphone, voice sound, deformed sound, single-user, reactive to head position, filles the whole room, unconscious choice of narrative by movement, anywhere indoors, environment, sound, sonic
Augmented Reality Theater
Jurjen Caarls, Wim van Eck, Pawel Pokutycki, Marina de Haas
2007 |
headmounted, graphic image recognition, data glove, marker logo's, animation, single-user, 360 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to head position, narrative triggered by data glove, on any surface, puppet, theater, UnDeaf, V2_
Augmented Sculpture
Lichtfront, Grosse8
2010 |
Spacial Projection, video mapping
Augmented Shadow
Joon Moon
2010 |
Table screen, shape recognition, markers, generative animation, multi-user, 180 large field of view, interactive non-linear narrative, anywhere, shadows, openframeworks, ISMAR, table
BMW Augmented Reality
(BMW) |
2009 |
head-mounted display, fake, concept, fake, concept, animation, single-user, 360 large field of view, linear interactive narrative, car specific, concept video, car, research
Bricks 3D
Fabian Gronbach
2010 |
desktop, shape recognition, markers, generative animation, single-user, 180 small field of view, interactive non-linear narrative, used on any desktop computer with webcam, Tetris, game, papervision 3D
Camille Scherrer, Vincent Jacquier
(EPFL CVLab) |
2009 |
desktop, graphic image recognition, graphic images, banknotes, animation, multi/single user, small field of view, reactive to object position, linear narrative, in front of any computer with webcam, money, banknotes, provocative, markerless
Coraline Interactive Store Front
(Total Immersion, Inwindow Outdoor) |
2008 |
screen, shape recognition, video, still, multi-user, small field of view, reactive to head position, non-linear, any shopping window, ARvertising, movie, hologram, shopping window
Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground
Michel Gondry
(White Stripes) |
2002 |
recorded projection, filmed video-mapping, film, video, multi/single user, small field of view, linear story, played on any computer, music video, projection mapping
Doritos sweet chilly
(Cubocc) |
2009 |
desktop, shape recognition, marker, animation, single-user, flat small field of view, reacts to marker position, linear narrative, any computer with webcam, ARtvertising, packaging
Exercise in Immersion 4
Marnix de Nijs
(V2_) |
2007 |
head-mounted display, sensors, microphone, video, sound, video, generative abstract animation, sound, single-user, 360 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to head position, game with unknown goal, unconscious choices about narrative, indoors, anywhere, long setup, game, art-game, Deaf 07, crash suit
Expression of Joy
(Inition, Dare) |
2009 |
desktop, shape recognition, marker, generative animation, single-user, flat small field of view, reacts to marker position, no narrative, any computer with webcam, ARtvertising, car, bmw, customize
Extension Series
Pablo Valbuena
2009 |
spacial Projection, videomapping, indoors architecture, animation, sound, multi-user, 180 large field of view, natural eye movement, linear narrative, space-specific, vooruit, projection mapping, almost cinema
Heartbreak Warfare
(Adobe) |
2009 |
desktop, image recognition, marker logo, animation, sound, single-user, small field of view, reactive to object position, linear videoclip, in front of any computer with webcam, videpclip. john mayer
Horizon Zero AR Bridge
Anita Fontaine, Geoff Lillemon, Aaron Meyers
(Champagne Valentine) |
2010 |
desktop, graphic image recognition, marker logo's, generative animation, sound, single-user, small field of view, reactive to marker position, generative, non-linear narrative, in front of any computer with webcam, code1, oscillator, DIY
In-place 3D Sketching
Nate Hagbi, Oriel Bergig, Jihad El-Sana, Mark Billinghurst
(VisualMediaLab, HitLabNZ) |
2009 |
desktop, shape recognition, drawings and graphic image, generative animation, single-user, 180 small field of view, reactive to drawing type and position, interactive, no narrative, any desktop, drawing, markerless, research
Les Animaux du Futur
(Total Immersion) |
2008 |
handheld binoculars, sensor bracelet, sensor bracelet, video, video, decor, interactive animation, multi-user, 180 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to head and hand position, interactive linear narrative, space-specific, futuroscope, the future is wild, amusement park
Julian Oliver
2008 |
desktop, graphic image recognition, markers, generative video, single-user, small field of view, reactive to object position, memory game, conscious choice about narrative, in front of any computer with webcam, Laval Virtual 09, Prix Ars Electronica '08, Technical Innovation award, Japan Media Arts Festival '08, Linux
Living Sasquatch
(Carmichael Lynch, Jack Link's) |
2009 |
desktop, shape recognition, marker, generative animation, single-user, flat small field of view, reacts to marker position, interactive non-linear narrative, any computer with webcam, ARtvertising, brand
Jan Torpus, Roderick Galantay, Bennet Uk
(Swiss National Science Foundation, plug.in, iart) |
2007 |
headmounted display, tracking sensors, videofeed, animation, single-user, 360 large field of view, reactive to head position, interactive non-linear narrative, anywhere indoors, long setup, science-fiction, design, decoration
Mark Billinghurst , Raphael Grasset , Julian Looser , Hartmut Seichter , Andreas Duenser
(HITlabNZ) |
2008 |
handheld glaces, shape recognition, marker, animation, multi-user, 360 large field of view, reactive to hand, marker position, linear narrative, on any surface, books, collaboration
Market Hall Rotterdam
(NAI) |
2009 |
Smartphone, Motion Sensor, GPS, video, still, single user, 360 small field of view, reactive to hand position, still, specific for the markthal construction site, architecture, NAI, informational, future
N Building
2009 |
handheld display, phone, graphic image recognition, marker facade, twitter feed, animation, multi-user, 180 small field of view, reactive to hand position, non-linear real-time metadata, space-specific, informational, see trough, building, twitter
Nuits Sonores
Yannick Jacquet, Joanie Lemercier, Olivier Ratsi, Romain Tardy
(AntiVJ) |
2009 |
Spacial Projection, video mapping, sculpture, animation, sound, multi-user, 180 large field of view, linear narrative, space-specific, Nuits Sonores festival, live performance, club, VJ, projection mapping
Out of the Blue
Marina de Haas, Wim van Eck and Alwin de Rooij
2007 |
headmounted, graphic image recognition, marker logo's, animation, sound, single-user, 360 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to head position, looped linear narrative, anywhere indoors, Today's art, balls