Results 31 - 60 of 71
Project Persons Year Tags
Heartbreak Warfare Blitz (Adobe) 2009 desktop, image recognition, marker logo, animation, sound, single-user, small field of view, reactive to object position, linear videoclip, in front of any computer with webcam, videpclip. john mayer
The real world and 3D world collide in the interactive clip that features a Mayer hologram performing the song — guitar in hand — in a virtual living room. Viewers using the AR technology can choose the way they want to see the video. Zoom in close so John’s lamp comes on, spin the room around, or take a look from afar so you can see where the floorboards end. It’s a new wave of technology Mayer is excited to introduce to music fans.
HoloCubtile (Immersion, ANR) 2009 sculpture and mirror, motion and tactile sensors, human gestures, generative animation, multi-user, 180 large field of view, reacts to hand gestures, interactive non-linear narrative, could be placed anywhere indoors, long setup time required, tactile, cube, light, mirror, hologram, Laval Virtual
The HoloCubtile is an augmented reality device that makes use of a mirror to blend the visualization and interaction spaces. That way, the three-dimensional object really appears in the reflected user’s hands,
Horizon Zero AR Bridge Anita Fontaine, Geoff Lillemon, Aaron Meyers (Champagne Valentine) 2010 desktop, graphic image recognition, marker logo's, generative animation, sound, single-user, small field of view, reactive to marker position, generative, non-linear narrative, in front of any computer with webcam, code1, oscillator, DIY
Part virtual sculpture, part instrument, the piece responds to the theme of bridges by creating a virtual version which is fully responsive to physical movement. Ignis, fatuus, tacnode connects an abstract 3D accordion through using ambient oscillating sound design and enticing graphics for a playful and radical experience.
ibutterfly DentsuLondon 2010 Smartphone, X Motion Sensor X GPS X Coupon, video, gerative animation, single-user, small field of view, reactive to hand position and movement, interactive, no narrative, anywhere, game, iphone, fun, collaborative
"iButterfly" is an entertaining iPhone application using AR, motion sensor, and GPS functions to collect coupons. Through the iButterfly, we will deliver not only coupons but also diverse information and contents as well.
In-place 3D Sketching Nate Hagbi, Oriel Bergig, Jihad El-Sana, Mark Billinghurst (VisualMediaLab, HitLabNZ) 2009 desktop, shape recognition, drawings and graphic image, generative animation, single-user, 180 small field of view, reactive to drawing type and position, interactive, no narrative, any desktop, drawing, markerless, research
Hand sketching is used here as a natural way for creating Augmented Reality mechanical experiments.
Les Animaux du Futur (Total Immersion) 2008 handheld binoculars, sensor bracelet, sensor bracelet, video, video, decor, interactive animation, multi-user, 180 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to head and hand position, interactive linear narrative, space-specific, futuroscope, the future is wild, amusement park
Futoroscope, a French amusement park, recently introduced Total Immersion's technology in their new dark ride « The Future is Wild ». The goal was to insert Computer Graphics animals that will be living in millions of years from now, into different envionmental sets. In addition each scenario is enhanced with several interactions between the audience and the animals occuring in real time.
Living Sasquatch (Carmichael Lynch, Jack Link's) 2009 desktop, shape recognition, marker, generative animation, single-user, flat small field of view, reacts to marker position, interactive non-linear narrative, any computer with webcam, ARtvertising, brand
You can choose from 35 different Sasquatch animations and add them to a timeline and record your interaction with the Sasquatch through an intuitive and easy to use drag and drop interface.
Livingroom2 Jan Torpus, Roderick Galantay, Bennet Uk (Swiss National Science Foundation,, iart) 2007 headmounted display, tracking sensors, videofeed, animation, single-user, 360 large field of view, reactive to head position, interactive non-linear narrative, anywhere indoors, long setup, science-fiction, design, decoration
The room is approached as an illusionary space, a simulation of a possible future experience of daily life instead of a tool for content development. In ‘living-room2’ the space itself becomes the object of transformation. In the virtual layer, the room can be visually transformed, reconstructed, extended, etc. Thus, the user becomes part of an immersive environment. By giving the visitor the possibility to “change the space”, living-room2 offers new opportunities for applications in the fields of Architecture, Scenography, Tourism, Museology and Education.
Long Chair Palnoise, !COODI 2008 projection, videomapping, chair, animation, multi-user, 180 large field of view, linear narrative, the chair can be paced anywhere, design, interior design
This videoinstallation consist in a long chair video projected in a true scene, no manipulation recorded.
MagicBook Mark Billinghurst , Raphael Grasset , Julian Looser , Hartmut Seichter , Andreas Duenser (HITlabNZ) 2008 handheld glaces, shape recognition, marker, animation, multi-user, 360 large field of view, reactive to hand, marker position, linear narrative, on any surface, books, collaboration
The MagicBook explores seamless transition between reality and virtual reality. When users look at the pages of a real book through a hand held display they can see virtual content superimposed over the real pages. When they see an Augmented Reality (AR) scene they like, the user can fly into the scene and experience it as an immersive virutal environment. In addition the book serves as a focus for collaboration. When several users look at the same book page they can see the AR image from their own viewpoint and when one flys into the virtual model, the other users see her as a virtual character in the scene.
Memories of Certain Elements Jeffrey Shaw 1982 optical window, non, preformer, animation, single user, 180 large field of view, no narrative, anywhere, performance, Fabienne de Quasa Riera, De Lantaren
During the performance by Fabienne de Quasa Riera an augmented-reality projection technique was used. Looking through an optical window the audience saw a computer-animated swing superimposed over the performer, who was seated on a real swing.
N Building Teradadesign+Qosmo 2009 handheld display, phone, graphic image recognition, marker facade, twitter feed, animation, multi-user, 180 small field of view, reactive to hand position, non-linear real-time metadata, space-specific, informational, see trough, building, twitter
N Building is a commercial structure located near Tachikawa station amidst a shopping district. Being a commercial building signs or billboards are typically attached to its facade which we feel undermines the structures' identity. As a solution we thought to use a QR Code as the facade itself. By reading the QR Code with your mobile device you will be taken to a site which includes up to date shop information. In this manner we envision a cityscape unhindered by ubiquitous signage and also an improvement to the quality and accuracy of the information itself.
Nuits Sonores Yannick Jacquet, Joanie Lemercier, Olivier Ratsi, Romain Tardy (AntiVJ) 2009 Spacial Projection, video mapping, sculpture, animation, sound, multi-user, 180 large field of view, linear narrative, space-specific, Nuits Sonores festival, live performance, club, VJ, projection mapping
We've been asked to do the stage design for one room of the festival, so we combined ideas discovered in previous projects (Light sculptures and light painting) to do a minimal and geometric setup.This was the perfect opportunity to test the latest version of our mapping software in live condition, and it worked really well: it only took a few minutes to map the 3D dj booth, and then many visuals and loops were already ready to play, when it usually took a couple of hours to produce basic animations.Here are a few pictures and videos found on internet, and we'll do a video report shortly, with more visuals and details about the project.
Out of the Blue Marina de Haas, Wim van Eck and Alwin de Rooij (AR+RFID LAB) 2007 headmounted, graphic image recognition, marker logo's, animation, sound, single-user, 360 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to head position, looped linear narrative, anywhere indoors, Today's art, balls
AR+RFID Lab artist in residence Marina de Haas together with Wim van Eck, Jan Willem Brandenburg, Jurjen Caarls and Alwin van Rooij created a unique audio-visual AR environment made of round objects leading back to the basics of all organic shapes on earth. The ellipse shapes come out of the walls and find their way into the exhibition space. When you wear the Augmented Reality headset you are bound to stay in a circle of 1.50 meter from the table, which is set
OUT/IN Nikita Tsymbal, Anna Abalikhina, Sergei Komarov, Maria Smirnova (Asymmetrique Answer performance group) 2009 spacial projection, motion tracking, body dancer, generative animation, multi-user, large field of view, human live performance, live, generative, non-linear narrative, any stage, live, dance, motion tracking, real-time
Our project is a reaction to the surrounding reality. Not a confrontation and a protest, but an action positive and creative.This is interdisciplinary high tech project which includes choreography, design, fashion, programming and media art. It’s the union of technology and actual art…
Pacer Tutors: Jouke Verlinden, Gerwin de Haan (TU Delft) 2010 Spacial Projection, Shape recognition, attributes and hands, generative animation, single-user, small field of view, reactive to attributes and hands, interactive, no narrative, on any suface, communication tool, engineering simulation, design
PACER is a tool currently under development at TU Delft Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering.
Physics Distorter Jan van Nuenen spacial projection, videomapping, globe, NIMK building, abstract generative animation, multi/single user, 180 large field of view, natural eye movement, user can influence projection with globe interface, non-linear graphics influenced by the public, anywhere, long setup, arduinio, processing, projection mapping, architecture
Real-time computer simulation of falling and colliding objects projected onto a building. The audience can control the direction of the gravity and some of the properties of the objects with a wireless globe. Custom hard and software made with processing and arduino.
PTAM (Robotics Research Group, University of Oxford) 2007 desktop, environment tracking and mapping, videofeed, animation or still, single user, 360 small field of view, no narrative, anywhere, ISMAR, research project
Video results for an Augmented Reality tracking system. A computer tracks a camera and works out a map of the environment in realtime, and this can be used to overlay virtual graphics. Presented at the ISMAR 2007 conference.
Puma Lift (Droga5, Puma) 2009 recorded projection, filmed video-mapping, white room, people, video, animation, multi/single user, small field of view, linear story, played on any computer, ARvertising, puma, ad, commercial
The New York ad agency Droga5 made this film where you can see a couple moving through different virtual sceneries. In the end they reveal that the whole room and the clothing was actually white and that it was a projection.
Put a spell Ogmento (arballoon_ we ar) 2010 Smartphone, Shape recognition, graphic image, video, generative animation, single-user, small field of view, reactive to hand position, screen touch and images, interactive, no narrative, on any surface, children, education, informational, game, Iphone
Ogmento is hard at work reinventing reality. We are currently focused on developing mobile augmented reality games and applications for the iPhone. Put A Spell Features Dubi Panda a 3D hologram on your iPhone, Will challenge your child to spell, Grab real cards and drop in blank spaces, Recognizes and pronounces letters, Designed with literacy experts
RE: Bram Snijders, Carolien Teunisse (HKU) 2010 Spacial Projection, video mapping, projector, animation, multi-user, 360 large field of view, linear narrative, anywhere, long set-up, media, projector, reflection
3 mirrors and a projector has been used to project on itself. A virtual reality is updated by a confrontation with our everyday physical reality.
Ride my Star (Devilfish, Blacionica, Zerofractal) 2009 desktop, shape recognition, marker, animation, single-user, flat small field of view, reacts to marker position, linear narrative, any computer with webcam, Videoclip, music video
Perretta’s clip is the first one to be directed entirely in 3-D. It creates an interesting and interactive experience for viewers with a webcam, as it allows them to watch the video while "holding" the virtual book with their own hands in front of their computer. The excellence of the graphics and the direction make it an enjoyable experience. Julien Perretta is showing himself to be a pioneer of sorts in the musical domain, as the industry is late in comparison to the evolution of the web. He is part of the group of artists that undeniably outdo the practices of major labels.
Rockpaperscissors t-shirt (T-Post,Moment 77 ) 2009 desktop, graphic image recognition, marker logo, generated animation, single-user, small field of view, reactive to object position, non-linear game, in front of any computer with webcam, t-shirt, fashion
Once you have your shirt on, stand in front of your web camera and play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors against a computer-generated arm that extends from the shirt itself.
ScavengAR (Porter Noveilli, Metaio) 2010 smart phone, gprs geo tag, compass, graphic image recognition, graphic markers, animation, multi-user, walk trough the city, multi-player hunt game, points can be earned, pictures and texts can be placed, space specific in the city of Austin, game, quest, twitter
Players open up the junaio application available on the iPhone App Store and tune into the ScavengAR channel. Player's camera is on live view. This view will display a range of pre-set geo/AR tags created for the game within about 30 feet. Tags first appear as question marks. When close enough to the tags, players click question mark Geo/AR marker to collect the clue and score points.
Solo-exhibition Michael Guidetti Michael Guidetti 2009 projection, video-mapping, painting, graphic animation, multi-user, 180 choice of perspective, large field of view, linear narrative, specific for that painting, painting, exhibition, museum, mixed media
Bounce Room 1 & 2 are 2 paintings by Michael Guidetti. They’re not just normal paintings, I would call them augmented paintings. Together with the paintings come projectors which add animation to the sceneries.
Songdo Yannick Jacquet, Joanie, Lemercier, Olivier Ratsi (AntiVJ) 2009 Spacial Projection, video mapping, architecture, animation, sound, multi-user, 180 large field of view, linear narrative, space-specific, Songdo City, modern architecture
The importance of technology, the coexistence of the ancient and the new and the presence of the sea as both a calming and menacing elements seem to be the fundamental ideas to the creation and development of this model-city. The city of Songdo is a challenge to human’s ability to plan a large scale construction work and, most of all, it will reflect on how urban society can be organized for people to interconnect, network and live with each other in such controlled and optimized environment. AntiVJ’s will present a visual+sonic piece exploring these ideas.
Tag und Nacht Till Botterweck, Nagehan Kurali (Urbanscreen) 2009 spacial projection, videomapping, Schürstabhaus, animation, sound, multi-user, large field of view, linear narrative, space-specific, projection mapping, performence, video
"Tag und Nacht" is an architectural projection on the Schürstabhaus in the historic center of Nuremberg. It was performed in May 2009 at the "Blaue Nacht" festival. Tag und Nacht basically was inspired by the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, who published his main work in Nuremberg in the 15th century. We used videomapping technique to establish the facade as an active player, marking the boundarys between heliocentric system and copernican system.
Tetra Tennis Fred Viktor, Benoit REBUS, MANGANELLI (FFT) 2008 Spacial Projection, video mapping, tennis court, animation, multi-user, 360 large field of view, linear narrative, space-specific, sports, tennis
For the Paris Bercy Masters, the French Tennis Federation asked us to submit a project that would stage the entrance of the tennis players on the court.TETRA Tennis was our answer. It is video-mapping set-up, projected directly on the tennis court. Once the lights dim out, the show consists of redrawing the lines of the court in interaction with the music.Controlled with a joystick, the visual sequences can be remodeled live : the lines can vibrate, be deformed, tremble, rotate, create depth…
The Amazing Cinemagician Helen Papagiannis 2009 spacial projection, graphic image recognition, paying cards, animation on fogscreen, multi-user, 360 large field of view, natural eye movement, non-linear narrative triggered by user, anywhere indoors, Georges Méliès, fog, spacial
The project “The Amazing Cinemagician” is based on a card-trick, using physical playing cards as an interface to interact with the FogScreen. RFID tags are hidden within each physical playing card. (Part of the magic and illusion of this project was to disguise the RFID tag as a normal object, out of the viewer’s sight.) Each of these tags corresponds to a short film clip by Méliès, which is projected on to the FogScreen once a selected card is placed atop the RFID tag reader.
The Hague City Hall Pablo Valbuena 2008 spacial Projection, videomapping, City Hall, animation, multi-user, 180 large field of view, natural eye movement, linear narrative, space-specific, today's art, projection mapping, architectural space
In the past Pablo Valbuena has worked for several international videogame and film studios investigating spatial concepts applied to virtual environments and digital architecture as a concept designer. This project focuses on the temporary quality of space, investigating space-time not only as a three dimensional environment, but as space in transformation. By using geometric forms and light, Valbuena alters multiple dimensions of space-time, creating an astounding visual experience.