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Project Persons Year Tags
Ar Magic System Martín Nadal, Damien Stewart, Javier Lloret, Blanca Rego, Julio Lucio y Jordi Puig (Lalalab) 2007 big screen, face recognition, video, video, multi-user, 180 large field of view, no narrative, anywhere, Medialab Prado, Openframework, face
Interactive system inspired in the magic tricks of Deli magician that were later reproduced by the famous David Copperfield. This tricks consisted in cutting the head of a duch and a chicken, interchange them and later place them again in their correspondant bodies.
Body Paint Mehmet Akten 2009 spacial projection, motion tracking, bodies, generative animation, multi-user, large field of view, human live performance, interaction with public, live, generative, non-linear narrative, any stage, live, dance, motion tracking, real-time
“Body Paint” by Mehmet Akten is an interactive installation and performance allowing users to paint on a virtual canvas with their body, interpreting gestures and dance into evolving compositions. The installation is designed to work with any number of people and is scalable to cover small or large areas. The interaction is very simple - movement creates paint. Hidden in the simplicity, are many layers of subtle details. Different aspects of the motion - size, speed, acceleration, curvature, distance all have an effect on the outcome - strokes, splashes, drips, spirals - and is left up to the users to play and discover.