Augmented Environments Lab
(GVU) |
2009 |
handheld phone, graphic image recognition, image, map, generative animation, sound, single-user, 360 choice of perspective, small field of view, reactive to hand position, physical objects, first person shootergame, conscious choice about narrative, phisical objects trigger events, any surface, anywhere, quick setup, skittles, game, zombies
Art of Defense
Augmented Environments Lab
(Georgia Institute of Technology) |
2009 |
Smartphone, shape recognition, tilt sensor, graphic playing board, generative animation, multi-user, 360 small field of view, reactive to hand position, interactive linear narrative, on any suface, game, novel, phone
Audio Space
Theo Watson
2005 |
headphones, microphone, voice sound, deformed sound, single-user, reactive to head position, filles the whole room, unconscious choice of narrative by movement, anywhere indoors, environment, sound, sonic
Augmented Sculpture Series
Pablo Valbuena
2007 |
spacial Projection, videomapping, sculpture, animation, sound, multi-user, 180 large field of view, natural eye movement, linear narrative, space-specific for sculpture, ars electronica, projection mapping
Augmented Trashcan
Eric Paulos, Tom Jenkins
2005 |
spacial projection, fotographs, street, animated images of trash, multi user, small field of view, no perspective control, non-linear narrative, could be placed on any trashcan, trash, environment
Domestic Robocop
Keiichi Matsuda
2010 |
output free video, video edit, kitchen, mixed-media video, multi-user, to watch on a screen, linear narrative, watchable anywhere, concept video, research, science-fiction
Exercise in Immersion 4
Marnix de Nijs
(V2_) |
2007 |
head-mounted display, sensors, microphone, video, sound, video, generative abstract animation, sound, single-user, 360 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to head position, game with unknown goal, unconscious choices about narrative, indoors, anywhere, long setup, game, art-game, Deaf 07, crash suit
Eye pet
Nicolas Doucet
(playstation) |
2009 |
tv screen, motion detection, user, generative animation, multi-user, flat small field of view, non-linear interactive narrative, any tv with playstation, playstation3, game, kids
Jan Torpus, Roderick Galantay, Bennet Uk
(Swiss National Science Foundation, plug.in, iart) |
2007 |
headmounted display, tracking sensors, videofeed, animation, single-user, 360 large field of view, reactive to head position, interactive non-linear narrative, anywhere indoors, long setup, science-fiction, design, decoration
Mark Billinghurst , Raphael Grasset , Julian Looser , Hartmut Seichter , Andreas Duenser
(HITlabNZ) |
2008 |
handheld glaces, shape recognition, marker, animation, multi-user, 360 large field of view, reactive to hand, marker position, linear narrative, on any surface, books, collaboration
Out of the Blue
Marina de Haas, Wim van Eck and Alwin de Rooij
2007 |
headmounted, graphic image recognition, marker logo's, animation, sound, single-user, 360 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to head position, looped linear narrative, anywhere indoors, Today's art, balls
(Robotics Research Group, University of Oxford) |
2007 |
desktop, environment tracking and mapping, videofeed, animation or still, single user, 360 small field of view, no narrative, anywhere, ISMAR, research project
Yannick Jacquet, Joanie, Lemercier, Olivier Ratsi
(AntiVJ) |
2009 |
Spacial Projection, video mapping, architecture, animation, sound, multi-user, 180 large field of view, linear narrative, space-specific, Songdo City, modern architecture
The Hague City Hall
Pablo Valbuena
2008 |
spacial Projection, videomapping, City Hall, animation, multi-user, 180 large field of view, natural eye movement, linear narrative, space-specific, today's art, projection mapping, architectural space
The Whisper Deck
Craig Kapp
2009 |
headmounted display, marker recognition, marker, generative animation, single-user, 360 large field of view, reacts to head position, non-linear informational narrative defined by user, any suface, Flicker, Google, search, informational, voice
Wayne Piekarski
(University of South Australia) |
2006 |
head-mounted display, gloves, Markers, pinch gloves, videofeed, generative stills, single-user, 360 large field of view, generative non-liear narrative, could be programmed anywhere, Metro, geometry, outdoor