James Alliban
2010 |
desktop, image recognition, markers, generated stills, single-user, small field of view, reactive to marker position, informational, no narrative, in front of any computer with webcam, informational, learning, school, quiz
Market Hall Rotterdam
(NAI) |
2009 |
Smartphone, Motion Sensor, GPS, video, still, single user, 360 small field of view, reactive to hand position, still, specific for the markthal construction site, architecture, NAI, informational, future
Museum AR Kiosk
(Total Immersion, Exhibit Engineering) |
2008 |
desktop, graphic image recognition, marker, still, single user, small field of view, reactive to marker position, non-linear, informational, anywhere indoors, anatomy, human body
N Building
2009 |
handheld display, phone, graphic image recognition, marker facade, twitter feed, animation, multi-user, 180 small field of view, reactive to hand position, non-linear real-time metadata, space-specific, informational, see trough, building, twitter
Put a spell
(arballoon_ we ar) |
2010 |
Smartphone, Shape recognition, graphic image, video, generative animation, single-user, small field of view, reactive to hand position, screen touch and images, interactive, no narrative, on any surface, children, education, informational, game, Iphone
The Whisper Deck
Craig Kapp
2009 |
headmounted display, marker recognition, marker, generative animation, single-user, 360 large field of view, reacts to head position, non-linear informational narrative defined by user, any suface, Flicker, Google, search, informational, voice
Georg Klein
(University of Oxford) |
2009 |
handheld screen, envoirenment mapping, video, still image, semi multi-user due to large screen, 360 choice of perspective, small field of view, reactive to hand position, still, informational about the physical object, after mapping, space-specific, natural museum oxford, museum, education, informational
Virtual Cable
Chris Grabowski, Tom Zamojdo
(Making Virtual Solid) |
2001 |
human-machine interface, GPRS data, navigation information, graphic animation, multi-user, large field of view, reacts to the car position, non-linear informational narrative, can be built in every vehicle, car navigation, informational