AR+RFID Lab at the Kröller-Müller Museum
Yolande Kolstee, Wim van Eck, Melissa Coleman, Pawel Pokutycki
2009 |
headmounted, graphic image recognition, marker logo's, still, single-user, 360 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to head position, laptop on wheels, still, space-specific, sculpture, garden, Kröller-Müller Museum
Sander Veenhof / SNDRV
2010 |
flashmob, event, Smartphone, shape recognition, marker, 3d still, multi-user, 360 small field of view, statue, Amsterdam, reactive to hand position, no narrative, Dam square
Audio Space
Theo Watson
2005 |
headphones, microphone, voice sound, deformed sound, single-user, reactive to head position, filles the whole room, unconscious choice of narrative by movement, anywhere indoors, environment, sound, sonic
Augmented Sculpture
Lichtfront, Grosse8
2010 |
Spacial Projection, video mapping
Coraline Interactive Store Front
(Total Immersion, Inwindow Outdoor) |
2008 |
screen, shape recognition, video, still, multi-user, small field of view, reactive to head position, non-linear, any shopping window, ARvertising, movie, hologram, shopping window
Digital Box
(Metaio, LEGO) |
2008 |
desktop, image recognition, Lego Box, still, single-user, smaal field of view, reacts to box position, no narrative, the kiosk can be placed in any store, ARvertising, LEGO, toys
Golden Calf
Jeffrey Shaw
1994 |
handheld display, Tilt sensors, pedestal, still, single-user, 360 small field of view reacts to hand position, no narrative, space-specific, reflections of the venue, calf, window, reflections, shiny
Christopher Manzione
(The Virtual Public Art Project) |
2010 |
smartphone, GPS, motion sensors, videofeed location, 3d still, single-user, 360 small field of view, reacts to hand position, no narrative, space-specific, layar, locative media, virtual statue
James Alliban
2010 |
desktop, image recognition, markers, generated stills, single-user, small field of view, reactive to marker position, informational, no narrative, in front of any computer with webcam, informational, learning, school, quiz
Market Hall Rotterdam
(NAI) |
2009 |
Smartphone, Motion Sensor, GPS, video, still, single user, 360 small field of view, reactive to hand position, still, specific for the markthal construction site, architecture, NAI, informational, future
Museum AR Kiosk
(Total Immersion, Exhibit Engineering) |
2008 |
desktop, graphic image recognition, marker, still, single user, small field of view, reactive to marker position, non-linear, informational, anywhere indoors, anatomy, human body
(Robotics Research Group, University of Oxford) |
2007 |
desktop, environment tracking and mapping, videofeed, animation or still, single user, 360 small field of view, no narrative, anywhere, ISMAR, research project
Jeffrey Shaw
1981 |
mounted display, non, real space, different stills, single-user, 180 large field of view, no narrative, anywhere, simple, geometric, Melkweg
Sgraffito in 3D
Joachim Rotteveel
2008 |
desktop, graphic image recognition, marker logo's, still, multi-user, small field of view, reactive to marker position, still, in front of any computer with camera, museum, informative, educational, history
The Artvertiser
Julian Oliver
2009 |
handheld binoculars, phone, graphic image recognition, image, advertisement, video, still image, single-user, 180 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to hand position, linear narrative, still image, dependent on input content, anywhere where a specific advertisement is, Transmediale 10, Linux
The Robotics Lab
Georg Klein
(University of Oxford) |
2009 |
handheld screen, envoirenment mapping, video, still image, semi multi-user due to large screen, 360 choice of perspective, small field of view, reactive to hand position, still, after mapping, space-specific, robots, science fiction, science
Wayne Piekarski
(University of South Australia) |
2006 |
head-mounted display, gloves, Markers, pinch gloves, videofeed, generative stills, single-user, 360 large field of view, generative non-liear narrative, could be programmed anywhere, Metro, geometry, outdoor
Georg Klein
(University of Oxford) |
2009 |
handheld screen, envoirenment mapping, video, still image, semi multi-user due to large screen, 360 choice of perspective, small field of view, reactive to hand position, still, informational about the physical object, after mapping, space-specific, natural museum oxford, museum, education, informational
U-Raging Standstill
2007 |
head-mounted display and headphones, camera, performers, pre recorded and live videofeed and sound, videofeed and sound, single-user, 360 large field of view, linear narrative chosen by the performers, could be set up anywhere, long setup, theatre, choreography, video, performance