Bacterial radio
Joe Davis
2012 |
environment, pollution, radio, cells, genes, electric circuits, bacteria, art, biocircuits, golden nica price
Capacity for (urban eden, human error)
Allison Kudlla
2010 |
architecture, biology, seeds.moss, art, patterns, plotting, urban, cells, growth, organismscomplexity, emergence, computers
Growth modelling device
David Bowen
2009 |
growth, modellization, scanning, plottering, evolution, technology
Prospero: Robot Farmer
(Dorhout R&D) |
2011 |
productivity, seeds, game theory, computerization, land, plants, genetics, technology, robot, farming, agriculture
Spore 1.1
Douglas Easterly,Matt Kenyon
2004 |
computer systems, database, controller, reactive environment, ecological interaction, physical computing, responsive environment, gardening, water, plant, trees, sustainability, ecosystem
Super Kingdom : Monarchy
Jo Joelson,Bruce Gilchrist,Dugal McKinnon
(London Fieldworks) |
2010 |
biology, animals, architecture, environment, territory, displacement, urban, growth, conservation, population
The Tissue Culture and Art Project
Ionat Zurr
2004 |
art, tissues, organisms, cells, biotechnology, life, biology, future scenarios, ethics, environment, science, sustainability, wearable technology
Yoichiro Kawaguchi web page
Yoichiro Kawaguchi
growth, self-organization, art, algorithm, complexity, generative art, computers