Acoustic Mirror_Moss
David de Buyser
(V2_) |
2009 |
biotechnology, irrigation, urban, flora, renewable energy, autonomy, open source, guerrilla gardening, community, installation, garden, biology, technology
Active Environments
Mia Kos
2010 |
ecology, environment, health, responsive environment, smart envirnoments, networked world, internet of things, data, monitoring, research, project
Gisèle Trudel, Stéphane Claude
1996 |
crew, artists, new media, electronic medium, lab, publications, performance, essays, technology, ecology, installation, science, art, video
Analogue Interaction
(EcoLogicStudio) |
2010 |
biosphere, visualitzation, natural resources, architecture, landscapes, politics, society, environment, energy, data, Venice Biennale
BBa_K221000: First volume of teenage gene poems
Yashas Shetty,Mukund Thattai
(ArtScienceBangalore) |
2011 |
dna, genes, biotechnology, bacteria, genetics, narrtive, synthetic biology, diy, lab, genetic engineering, artwork, rain
Angelo Vermeulen et al.
(The Aesthetic Technologies Lab) |
2007 |
sustainability, hacker space, collaboration, open source, computer systems, ecosystem, nature, technology, science, biology, bioart, ecology, art
Biomodd Maribor
Diego Maranan
2010 |
technology, ecology, workshop, art, computers, recycling, plants, algae, new media
Green WiFi
Several Authors
2010 |
internet, wi-fi, solar power, solar energy, technology, open access, information
Sabrina Raaf,
(Raaf) |
2004 |
sensors, air, CO2, technology, ecology, data, plant, environment, visualization, robot, art
Growth modelling device
David Bowen
2009 |
growth, modellization, scanning, plottering, evolution, technology
Incubator Art Lab
Jennifer Willet et al.
(School of Visual Arts, The University of Windsor) |
2009 |
lab, science, art, ecology, innovative production, performance, biotechnology, technology of the body, community, complexity
Several Authors
(Open_Sailing) |
innovation, sustainability, future, project, prototype, lab, oil spills, renewable energy, environment, eecology, open sourc, open hardware, society, ocean, research, sailing, technology, opensource
Legacy Foundation
Several Authors
community, media, technology, development, sustainability, conservation, environment, briquette production, biomass fuel, eco fuel, management, ong, technical training
May the Horse Live in me
Marion Laval-Jeantet,Benoît Mangin
(Art Orienté Objet ) |
2011 |
bioart, tissues, hybrids, humans, animals, plasma, biotechnology, blood, horse, golden nica price
Arcángel Constantini
(Fundacion Telefonica) |
multimedia, art, environment, technology, wireless, water, acoustics, data, visualization, pollutants, community
Natural Fuse
Husman Haque
2009 |
game theory, community, architecture, technology, diy design, CO2, environment, energy, electricity, plants, research, design
Oil Compass
Kasia Molga
(V2_) |
2011 |
scenarios, drone, energy, environment, ecology, Google Earth, ocean, visualitzation, interaction, Protei, oil spill, soil
Open Columns
Omar Khan et al.
( University at Buffalo) |
architecture, structures, responsive environment, CO2, self-organization, systems, complexity, emergence, adaptability, resilience, nonlinearity, materials, technology, augmented materials
Pigeon d'Or
Tuur Van Balen
2011 |
metabolism, city, urban, pigeons, biotechnology, environment, synthetic biology, bacteria, aestethics, design biology
Akira Nakayasu
(Kyushu University, ADCDU) |
2010 |
installation, video, art, wind, plants, technology, memory alloy, artificial life
Prometheus Fusion Perfection
Mark Suppes
fusion energy, diy, open source, energy, botmaker, Bussard reactor, fusor, superconductivity, enterpreneur, technology
Prospero: Robot Farmer
(Dorhout R&D) |
2011 |
productivity, seeds, game theory, computerization, land, plants, genetics, technology, robot, farming, agriculture
Recycle-X / Plantas Parlantes
Gilberto Esparza, Javier Busturia, Jigni Wang, Ricardo Nascimento , Jelle Dekker
2010 |
environment, technology, education, energy, interaction, food, gardening, electronic medium, sculpture, ecology, water, installation
Searching for the Ubiquitous Genetically Engineered Machine
Yashas Shetty,Mukund Thattai
(ArtScienceBangalore) |
2012 |
biology, life, living parts, soil, environment, synthetic biology, engineered products, ecology, lab, biotechnology
Jonas Burki
1991 |
sunlight, information, design, technology, aestethics, screen, nature, symbiosis
Several Authors
(The University of Western Australia) |
research, bio art, biology, biotechnology, design, education, laboratory, science, art
Several Authors
(V2_) |
1997 |
book, essays, design, phylosophy, semiotics, intelligence, life, parasites, cyborg, science, evolution, biology, technology
The Energy Pilots
Elliott P. Montgomery
2011 |
energy, business, technology, carbon, marketing, society, strategies
The Enteric Consciousness
Ken Rinaldo
2010 |
technology, design, interactive, visualization, installation, robots, biology, organisms, culture, robotics, art
The Tissue Culture and Art Project
Ionat Zurr
2004 |
art, tissues, organisms, cells, biotechnology, life, biology, future scenarios, ethics, environment, science, sustainability, wearable technology