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Incubator Art Lab Jennifer Willet et al. (School of Visual Arts, The University of Windsor) 2009 lab, science, art, ecology, innovative production, performance, biotechnology, technology of the body, community, complexity
NCUBATOR Hybrid Laboratory at the Intersection of Art, Science and Ecology is a physical and theoretical hub, a new art/science laboratory at The University of Windsor. Founded in 2009 it functions both as an apparatus in which environmental conditions can be controlled towards the assisted proliferation of life, but also as a site that supports the proliferation of new ideas – new artistic practices. Physically and metaphorically INCUBATOR serves as site for innovative productive and performative imaginings of biotechnology as a technology of the body – a complex ecology – that implicates each of us intellectually and biologically in the continued propagation of the life sciences.
Plant Akira Nakayasu (Kyushu University, ADCDU) 2010 installation, video, art, wind, plants, technology, memory alloy, artificial life
Description: the plant is an interactive installation inspired by the vision of grass blowing in the wind. 169 artificial leaves are controlled by using the shape memory alloy actuators we developed. All each leaf is independently controlled and reacts to hand´s movement and moves slowly.
Protei Cesar Harada et al (V2_) 2011 environmentalism, open source, open hardware, drone, renewable energy, oil spills, gulf mexico
Protei is an oil spill cleaning machine. Protei is a family of unmanned robots (drone) that sails. It is articulated and some versions are inflatable. Oil drifts downwind, so Protei need to be able to sail upwind to capture more oil. Protei is an innovation using conventional technologies, it is therefore immediately possible to build it at a low cost with conventional materials. Protei is developed Open hardware, so everybody can use, modify and distribute our designs. Besides oil spill cleaning many other applications are envisoned for this revolutionary drone.