Rubber: Fun, Fashion, Fetish
Janet Bloor, John D. Sinclair
2004 |
rubber, new material, jewelry, images, book, new applications
(Sefar) |
manufacturer, fabric, monofilament, coating, screen printing, company, business
sf fashion & tech
Mika Uehara, Charles Belle, Adelle McElveen
blog, trends, startups, wearable tech, fashtech
Shieldron Conductive Fabric
(FlexTex) |
computer housing, shielded rooms, architectural applications, conductive fibers, server enviroments, cable industry
Smart Fabrics Conference
Intertech Pira
2010 |
diy, conference, smart fabrics, event, 150 industries, applications, 24 countries, fashion technology, technical garments, electronic wearable, seminar, lighted apparel, technology, miami
Stern Lab
Becky Stern
(Stern Lab) |
2002 |
conductive thread, lab, sensor, light, applications, wearable, LED, DIY, lilypad arduino, personal expression
Textile Futures Research Group
University of the art-London
(TFRG) |
schools, fashion, sustainability, textile product, textile applications, University of the Arts London, research, product, environment, architecture, medicine, university, technology driven textile research, Central Saint Martins, London College of Fashion, Chelsea College of Art, Digital Textile Design, smart textile, nanotechnology
(TITV Greiz) |
test centre, technical labs, new applications, innovative textile products, interdisciplinary cooperation, textile research, partner for research, flexible materials, special textile, institute, Textile Microsystems Technique/Smart Textiles, info centre, functional surfaces, sport & wellness applications
Tom Neilssen
(Transstudio) |
creative laboratory, materials, research, architect, innovation
Wheeler Street Design
(Wheeler Street Design) |
web development, company
Wireless Sensor Networks
Marco Zennaro, Claro Noda, Muneeb Ali, Antonio Ruzzelli
events, sensor, wireless, wearable technology, sensor, news, blog, conferences, networks