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Project Persons Year Tags
emily crane Emily Crane beta textiles, bio wear, edible, artist
A new breed of designer who is pushing the boundaries of design through materials and process; growing, cultivating and forming new hybrid materials for fashion futures. Borrowing skills from molecular cooking, she is envisioning a future where fast fashion has to respond to a more sustainable future. Setting up a lab in her kitchen, she is growing and freezing bubbles to create a form of bio lace that is both wearable and edible. Micro-Nutrient Couture is a sensory world of transient fashion where no one but the individual will ever wear the same dress again.
knockcollection Kyveli Vezani beta textiles, reinvented amulets, intelligent design, wearable, artist
Kyveli Vezani" Jan Perschy digital art, coding, beta textiles, wearables diploma
digital artist, ist currently working on diploma project: a dress that leaves design process to the photographer. it has flaps that can open or close, thus leaving parts open or concealed to the camera.