Smart Second Skin Dress
Jenny Tillotson
human biology, garment, wearer, scents, new interactive fabric, senses, body's circulatin system, wearable, micro mechanisms, communication system, aromatic messages, body
Suzi Webster
Suzi Webster
new media, installation, artist, critique
Deborah Hustic
exhibition, blog, wearables, guerilla knitting
The culture of fashion: a new history of fashionable dress
Christopher Breward
fashion journalism, fashion history, book, clothing, advertising
The T-Shirt Issue
Linda Kostowski, Mashallah Design
2008 |
lasercutter, wearable, geometric garment, personal expression, formal-poetic garment, unconventional t-shirt
(Twenty1f) |
blog, tech, future fashion, clothing, textiles, technology, design, news, design, artists & technologists, fashion
Wifi Jacket, Intimate Controllers
Jenny L Chowdhury
Arduino micro-controller, LED, fun, hacked WiFi detector, designer, apparel, wearable researcher, geek style, technological decoration, changing colors, cyber world, physical computing
Xtreme Fashion
Courtenay Smith, Sean Topham
2005 |
Daniele Buetti, Alicia Framis, Vexed Generation, Freddie Robins, Moreno Ferrari, artists, designers, urban conditions, fashion starts, fashinating text, photos, environment, fashion world, book, Lucy Orta, Hussein Chalayan, clothing, human body
XYinteraction-Textile Interface
Maurin Donneaud, Vincent Roudaut
flexibility, texture, size, choreographic movements, playing electronic music, tactile interface, interactive textile, trasparency, body, musical interpretation
Yala Sofa
Elliat Rich Design
Laminex, plywood, digital print, Thermochromatic ink, stainless steel components