Marco Mossinkoff
(Amsterdam Fashion Institute-AMFI) |
workshops, guest lectures, international excursions, exchanges, traineeships, courses, students, institute, fashion, research, development
(ArtEZ Institute of the arts) |
clothing, masters, education, fashion, university, shoes
Department of Design | Media Arts
(School of Arts and Architecture at the University of California) |
information, virtual environments, ubiquitos computing, interface design, interaction, digital-media arts, school of art and architecture, university of california, los angeles, designer, artists, media, design, innovation, arts, course, school, university, students, creative exploration, visual communication, typography, spaces, networked agents, research
Design Interactions Department
(Royal College of Art ) |
school, art, college, student, conceptual, critical
industrial design today, courses, education, competitions, history, contemporary, shop, interviews, snapshots, design-aerobics
Digital Media Culture Lab
Catherine Elvin
(Culture Lab-Newcastle University) |
research, lab, culture, digital media
Faculty of Visual Arts and Design Utrecht
(Utrecht School of the Art) |
student, fashion design, art school, fashion communicate
Fashion Institute Arnhem
(ArtEZ) |
fashion master, Fashion Curation, Fashion Journalism, Futurising, Branded Design, Shoe Design, Fashion Design, future fashion, projects, students
Interaction Design Department
(Domus Academy) |
academy, school, ICT
London College of Fashion
(University of the Art-London-Central St Martins) |
technology, fashion production, fashion marketing, textile design, consultancy, research, fashion education, students, arts, college, school, creativity, clothing, collections
No-Contact Jacket
Adam Whiton, Yolita Nugent
2006 |
pain, high voltage, exo-electric, electic current pulses, 80.000 volts, activated by the wearer, protection from violence, women, jacket, garment, non-lethal, critical life saving
Nottingham Trent University
Phillip Breedon
(Nottingham Trent University) |
point of sale/marketing/retail/exhibition designers and design engineers, product designers, packaging designers, design technology, school, CAD, web designers, innovations
Piet Zwart Instituut
Florian Cramer
(Hogeschool Rotterdam) |
moving image billboards displays, database film technologies, DVDs, cross-media narratives combining feature film and game projects, mobile-phone movies, gallery installations, Streaming media, digital work, wdka, design, craft, digital media, academy, master, site-specific projection projects, students, critical research, development new technical approaches, sustained project work
Robot Girl vs Simple Girl
Anouk Wipprecht
smart textiles, circuits, fashion tech, wearable electronics, fashion designer, interaction design, realising prototypes
Michiel Scheffer
(Saxion Hogeschool) |
market research, marketing activities, knowledge of design and styling, made clothes, university, bachelor, students, school, Textile Engineering, Management, art, technology, technological innovations, new material research, development
School of Design-bachelor of Design Innovations
(Victoria University of Wellington) |
2009 |
school, design, university, innovation, Culture, Context, Industrial and Media
Smart Products
(Estonian Academy of Arts ) |
school, art, academy
Textile/Surface Design Course
Zane Berzina
(Weissensee Kunsthochschule) |
masters, bachelor course, textile and surface design, course, students, art
The Edward S. Rogers SR. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
(University of Toronto) |
university, school, diy, electrical engineering
TU/e Industrial Design
(TU/e) |
2001 |
multidisciplinary staff, interaction design, industrial design, university, school, technology
(Vinnova University College of Boras) |
manufacture, development, Industrialisation, designed materials, bachelor, master, course, school, material concepts
Wearable Technology- Powered Art and Fashion Design 2009
(Netherlands Media Art Institute) |
2009 |
sensors, textiles, social life, fashion design, technologicallt clothing, netherlands media art institute, university, courses, expressive, performative garments, everyday experience