Valerie Lamontagne
blog, lab, fashion tech
Alexandra Fede
Alexandra Fede
clothings, integrated microelectronics, designer, technological stylist, italian fashion, researcher, new esthetics, hi-tech applications, innovative fibres, haute couture, catwalk, garment, para-aramidic fibres, textile treatments, nanotechnologies, sports wear, work wear, accessories, collaborations
Marco Mossinkoff
(Amsterdam Fashion Institute-AMFI) |
workshops, guest lectures, international excursions, exchanges, traineeships, courses, students, institute, fashion, research, development
Angel Chang
Angel Chang
fashion, designer
(ArtEZ Institute of the arts) |
clothing, masters, education, fashion, university, shoes
José Teunissen
(ArtEZ) |
2002 |
art, master, product design, students, research, school, professor, lecturer, institute, fashion, bachelor
Bagir Group
Israel Pollack
(Bagir Group) |
wearing experience, hight quality tailored fashions, manufacturing, developing, group, multinational, fashion, confort, performance
Viktor & Rolf
2002 |
catwalk, innovation, screen, haute couture, fashion, company, designer, brand, bright blue garments, reflective textile
Marina Toeters
designer, innovative fashion, research, collaboration projects, freelance intermediary, fashion companies, creates concepts, presentations, brainstorm sessions, garments, new applications
(Catapult) |
website, blog, textiles, smart
Chanel Light Bulb Heels
Karl Lagerfeld
(Chanel) |
2008 |
haute couture, light bulb, fashion, wearable, shoes, garments, luxury brand, expencive
Click Sneacks
Despina Papadopoulos
(Studio 5050) |
2005 |
social, non verbal communication, sound, design, textile, fashion, fashionable technology, studio, interaction design, personal expression in wearable technology
Francesca Rosella, Ryan Genz
(CuteCircuit) |
2004 |
workshop, smart textile, fashion, wearable technology, interactive clothing, company, interaction, social, circuit
Kaye Ashton
(Frances Burke Textile Resource Centre, RMIT University) |
materials, textiles, fibres, database, website
Danielle Wilde
Danielle Wilde
researcher, performance, fashion, fine art, critical, interaction design
Danish Design School
(Danish Design School) |
craft, art, Materials and Interaction, Design Values, Design Theory and Methods, research, design school, innovative shaping
Digital Skins Body Atmospheres
Nancy Tilbury
future visions of clothing, wearable tech
Electric Fashion Design
Kouji Hikawa
next generation, fashion designer, product designer, wearable electronic fashion
Electronic Textiles: Wearable Computers, Reactive Fashion, and Soft Computation
Joanna Berzowska
(Xs Lab) |
2004 |
electronic, textiles, smart fabrics, fashionable
Elisabeth de Senneville
Elisabeth de Senneville
fashion, future
emily crane
Emily Crane
beta textiles, bio wear, edible, artist
Enlighted Designs
Janet Hansen
light, clothing, design, illuminating, textile
Exercices de Style
Ying Gao
(Exercices de Style Lab) |
fashion interface, technology clothes, pneumatic pistons, garments, media art, fashion design, textile, tailored approach
Extreme Textiles
Matilda McQuaid
2005 |
industry, science, textiles, smart materials, concept, projects, design, book, fashion design, catwalk
Fab Lab
(MIT) |
2006 |
computer controlled tools, MIT, concepts, technological art, DIY, fashionable technology, wearable, workshop, design tools, circuits and microcontrollers, 3D Printing and Scanning Machines
Faculty of Visual Arts and Design Utrecht
(Utrecht School of the Art) |
student, fashion design, art school, fashion communicate
Fashion and Imagination
(ArtEZ Press) |
2009 |
performance, design, garments, art, clothes, styling, haute couture, fashion, book, textiles, fabrics, style
Fashion and Modernity
Christopher Breward, Caroline Evans
2005 |
book, fashion, history, contemporary fashion
Fashion as Communication
Malcolm Barnard
2002 |
power of fashion, communications, fashion, tendence, lifestyle, book, cultural
Fashion at the Edge: Spectacle, Modernity, and Deathliness
Caroline Evans
2003 |
images, fashion history, book, fashion designer