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Project Persons Year Tags
AmberStrandÆ (Syscom Advanced Material) costum fibers, yarn, new material, flexible polymer/metal hybrid yarn, high strength, low-weight, electrically conductive, technical assistance, metalized polymer technology, applications
AmberStrandÆ is an electrically conductive, low-weight, high strength and yet flexible polymer/metal hybrid yarn. Syscom Advanced Materials provides AmberStrandÆ series of yarn fibers from inventory as well as custom fibers to meet specific customer needs.Syscom Advanced Materials also provides technical assistance to our customers in metalized polymer technology and its applications.
AVALON Prof. Dr. Thomas Fischer (AVALON) research, textile, hybrid, technology, shape memory alloy, sma,
Principle objective of the AVALON project is the cross-sectoral development of novel hybrid textile structures integrating multifunctional Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) and the related processing techniques as well as design, simulation and organisational methodologies. They will enable the integration of such textile structures into novel high performance products in the fields of smart wearable systems and textile reinforcements for technical applications. The broader aim is to create new market perspectives in the textile sector by introducing emerging and highly promising non-textile technologies.
Cati Vaucelle Cati Vaucelle (MIT Media Laboratory) avatar, biological, science, healthcare, hybrid
Through an interdisciplinary lens that brings together engineering, art, cognitive science, and healthcare, I explore the anthropomorphic nature of hybrid physical/digital objects and their promise to be catalysts towards unforeseen discoveries. I design objects to offer anima and perspective: from the haptic jacket that an autistic patient wears to express to the doctor what it means to be sensory defensive, to the electromagnetic field detector bracelet that transforms invisible information into visible data for a feeling of empowerment, or an environment where instead of you taking care of your avatar in massive online games, your avatar turns around and takes care of your biological needs.
emily crane Emily Crane beta textiles, bio wear, edible, artist
A new breed of designer who is pushing the boundaries of design through materials and process; growing, cultivating and forming new hybrid materials for fashion futures. Borrowing skills from molecular cooking, she is envisioning a future where fast fashion has to respond to a more sustainable future. Setting up a lab in her kitchen, she is growing and freezing bubbles to create a form of bio lace that is both wearable and edible. Micro-Nutrient Couture is a sensory world of transient fashion where no one but the individual will ever wear the same dress again.
Material Beliefs (Interaction research Studio, Department of Design at Goldsmiths, University of London) biomedical, cybernetic, public space, body, Goldsmiths
Material Beliefs takes emerging biomedical and cybernetic technology out of labs and into public spaces. The project focuses on technologies which blur the boundaries between our bodies and materials, and how design as a tool for public engagement can be used to stimulate discussion about the value of these forms of hybridity
Medulla Intimata Tina Gonsalves, Tom Donaldson 2004 public intervention, ewellery, fashion, performance, bio-metrics, technology, moving image
MEDULLA INTIMATA is a hybrid new media work mixing public intervention with jewellery, fashion, performance, bio-metrics, technology and moving image. It is a collaboration between award winning Australian video and installation artist Tina Gonsalves , and London based artist/engineer, Tom Donaldson. MEDULLA INTIMATA is a necklace that contains a video screen and biometric sensors. The sensors (using analysis of speech and tonal range of conversaton) monitor the wearer's emotions to guide real-time video-generation that evokes a sense of seeing beneath the surface of the skin, exposing the emotional and physical inner body. Video is displayed on the screen embedded in the jewellery.
Popkalab Ricardo Nascimento artist, multimedia, body, environment
Ricardo Nascimento,1977. He works as artist, multimedia developer and producer. He investigates body-environment relations focusing interface development and autonomous adaptative systems for interactive installations and hybrid environments.
Robot Clothes James Powderly, Michelle Kempner (Robot Clothes) 2002 research, partnership, collaboration, art, commercial, innovation, science
Robot Clothes is an art and commercial research and development partnership, specializing in robotic systems, interaction design and product prototyping. This partnership, formed in 2002 by Michelle Kempner and James Powderly, utilizes a hybrid fine art and commercial design and engineering approach to support innovative science and technology development efforts for clients including fortune 100 companies, NASA and internationally renowned artists, such as Diller + Scofidio and Miranda July. In addition to contracted research and development efforts, Robot Clothes internally supports fine art projects ranging from a robotic public sculpture for Central Park to an animatronic opera about Crohnís Disease.
Twenty1f (Twenty1f) blog, tech, future fashion, clothing, textiles, technology, design, news, design, artists & technologists, fashion
TWENTY1F (or 21F) is a group of designers, researchers, artists & technologists pushing the boundaries of fashion. We are committed to exploring and documenting the redefinition of the body and society through the hybridization of clothing and technology. 21F features news, events, opportunities, and resources. ( is not found by the server anymore, but you can still see a lot of images on Google search.)