12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services
(Faculdade de CiÍncias da Universidade de Lisboa ) |
conference, forum, human computer interaction
Ayah Bdeir
Ayah Bdeir
artist, engineer, designer, researcher
Bare Conductive ink
Roger Ashby, Matt Johnson, Isabel Lizardi, Rafat Malik, Bibi Nelson, Becky Pilditch
applied by brush stamp or spray, movement and touch, gesture, interaction, custom electronic circuitry, skin, conductive, ink, new material, non-toxic, temporary, performance, computer interfaces, non invasive technology, body
Nadya Peek
2009 |
interaction, MIT media lab, fab-lab, sensor, dress, wearable, interactive clothing, e-textile, social, student, workshop
CHI 2010
(CHI 2010) |
2010 |
human experience, human computer interaction, computing systems, human factors, conference, community
Click Sneacks
Despina Papadopoulos
(Studio 5050) |
2005 |
social, non verbal communication, sound, design, textile, fashion, fashionable technology, studio, interaction design, personal expression in wearable technology
Climate Dress
Michel Guglielmi, Hanne Louise Johannesen
(Diffus Studio) |
2009 |
wearable, Arduino Lilypad, light, LED, interaction, social
Kristin O'Friel
2008 |
designer, artist, urbanist, environmentalist, everyday interactions, sustainable practices, physical interfaces, couture, CO2 levels, CO2 Sensors, Mini Gear Motors, Microcontroller, H-bridge, Cotton Fabric, Webbing, Boning, Grommets, Lacing, garment
Computer Science Department
(University of Colorado) |
computer, science, university
Costume Choreography II
Michel Guglielmi, Hanne Louise Johannesen
(Diffus Studio) |
2008 |
garments, choreography, Electroluminescent, light, wearable, social, theatre
CREATE10-innovative interactions
Ingi Helgason
Francesca Rosella, Ryan Genz
(CuteCircuit) |
2004 |
workshop, smart textile, fashion, wearable technology, interactive clothing, company, interaction, social, circuit
Danielle Wilde
Danielle Wilde
researcher, performance, fashion, fine art, critical, interaction design
Danish Design School
(Danish Design School) |
craft, art, Materials and Interaction, Design Values, Design Theory and Methods, research, design school, innovative shaping
Department of Design | Media Arts
(School of Arts and Architecture at the University of California) |
information, virtual environments, ubiquitos computing, interface design, interaction, digital-media arts, school of art and architecture, university of california, los angeles, designer, artists, media, design, innovation, arts, course, school, university, students, creative exploration, visual communication, typography, spaces, networked agents, research
Design Interactions Department
(Royal College of Art ) |
school, art, college, student, conceptual, critical
(Designaffairs Studio) |
materials, studio, design
Fashioning Technology
Syuzi Pakhchyan
2008 |
collaborations, research, projects, fashion world, news, arduino, wearable technology, diy, workshop, book, blog, events, conference, free, crafts, trends
Feel The Vibe
Stoffel Kuenen
2002 |
biofeedback, social, interaction
High-Low Tech
Leah Buechley
(MIT Media Lab) |
manufacturing processes, physical materials, intersection of computation, future of technology, new cultural, building technologies, design, cultures, processes, high and low technological materials, MIT Media Lab, group, traditional crafts, electronic applications, wearable, tools, interaction design, people, students
Hysterical Bubble
Anja Hertenberger
photo, drawing, man-machine interaction, control, power, surveillance, identity with media, performance, installations, video-collages, artist, video, computer, programming, electronic, embroidery
Inflatable Dress
Diana Eng
2003 |
diy, interaction, wearable, no hide electronics, change shape and colours, dress, cloth accessories tech, social
Interaction Design Department
(Domus Academy) |
academy, school, ICT
Interface Culture
(Kunst Universitat Linz-Department of Media) |
interface, artist, researcher, students, university, school
Daan Roosegaarde
(V2_, Studio Roosegaarde) |
2009 |
smart foils, electronic art, fashion, wireless, wearable, garments, social, interaction
Johnny Holland
Jeroen van Geel
collective, creatives, share, interactions, learn, experience, design
Katherine Moriwaki
Katherine Moriwaki
fashion, technology, media, art, school, Parsons, professor, research
Kerry Bodine
Kerry Bodine
hardware control, physical realm, prototyping with electronics, project management, usability testing, interaction design, user centered research, student, designer, physical interaction design, tangible media, arts disciplines
Corey Menscher
2009 |
wearable, interaction design, easy, fun, pregnant mother, Vibration sensors, product, fabric, confort, microcontroller, garment, kick, Twitter, family, message
Mika Satomi and Hannah Perner-Wilson
(Kobakant) |
2007 |
concepts, workshop, wearable, fashionable technology, DIY, technological art, social, interaction