Kristin O'Friel
2008 |
designer, artist, urbanist, environmentalist, everyday interactions, sustainable practices, physical interfaces, couture, CO2 levels, CO2 Sensors, Mini Gear Motors, Microcontroller, H-bridge, Cotton Fabric, Webbing, Boning, Grommets, Lacing, garment
CREATE10-innovative interactions
Ingi Helgason
Design Interactions Department
(Royal College of Art ) |
school, art, college, student, conceptual, critical
Fashioning Technology
Syuzi Pakhchyan
2008 |
collaborations, research, projects, fashion world, news, arduino, wearable technology, diy, workshop, book, blog, events, conference, free, crafts, trends
Feel The Vibe
Stoffel Kuenen
2002 |
biofeedback, social, interaction
Johnny Holland
Jeroen van Geel
collective, creatives, share, interactions, learn, experience, design
Piezing Dress, Muk Luk Flux
Amanda Parkes
2008 |
mechanisms for working prototypes of Tangible User Interfaces, electronics, developing software, Human-Computer Interaction, journals, conferences, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer programming, students, hard-working, technically competent, creative, interactions, digital information, surfaces, physical objects, designing human interfaces, Tangible Bits vision, electrical /mechanical engineering skills, design aesthetics, installations, video performance, wearable technology, creativity
XS labs
Joanna Berzowska
(XS labs) |
lab, innovation, electronic textiles, reactive garments, interactions, design research studio, complex textile-based surfaces, transitive properties
Ztretch music controller
Joe Paradiso, Dave Merrill
(MIT Media Lab) |
2006 |
MIT, electronic textiles, audio