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Project Persons Year Tags
3lectromode Valerie Lamontagne blog, lab, fashion tech
3lectromode is a Montreal-based fashion-tech studio invested in developing wearables combining cutting-edge technology with current fashion trends. The 3lectromode platform has created a series of market-ready interactive fashion products such as LED-embedded dresses and bags which are sold as kits of ready-mades. 3lectromode continues to research within the field of wearable technologies to bring you the most aesthetic, democratized and performative fashion tech.
Aeolab Elise Co, Nikita Pashenkov (Aeolab) laboratory, design, technology, experience, hardware, software
Aeolab is a design & technology firm founded by Elise Co and Nikita Pashenkov. We specialize in projects that cross boundaries: from online to in-person, physical to digital, often spanning multiple technologies and always within the context of creating a compelling experience. Our areas of expertise include interactive software & hardware, environmental installations, responsive lighting systems, and electronic device prototyping.
Aeolia (Nottingham Trent University ) body, protoype, three-dimensional, weaving
This project explores the nature of space and place and will examine the concept of a bodily connection with the land through sketch prototyping of stretch sensors in sculptural textile forms. The resulting series of woven pieces for the body will be remotely connected to three-dimensional forms in the Scottish landscape, combining information from each to create unique low frequency feedback to be experienced by the wearer. this project is a collaboration between many people from different disciplines, most of them working at Nottingham Trent University.
Alexandra Fede Alexandra Fede clothings, integrated microelectronics, designer, technological stylist, italian fashion, researcher, new esthetics, hi-tech applications, innovative fibres, haute couture, catwalk, garment, para-aramidic fibres, textile treatments, nanotechnologies, sports wear, work wear, accessories, collaborations
Alexandra Fede Fashion designer with Technology Transfer experience in all aspects of development and implementations in a garment.. Direct experience in Fashion shows or catwalk , public relation, communication, scientific journalist, fashion consulting and patent's inventor.
Aracon (Micro Coax) conductive fibers, metal coating, light, weight, flexibility, aramid fibers, strenght, kevlar, dupont, bullet- resistant vest, high-speed boats, military helmets, nickel, copper, silver, electrical properties, applications
This revolutionary product, available only from Micro-Coax, combines the conductivity of an outer metal coating with the strength, light weight and flexibility of aramid fibers. ARACON fibers are based on the same technology that created DuPont KEVLAR, well known for its use in bullet-resistant vests, high-speed boats and military helmets. With the addition of nickel, copper and silver coatings of varying thicknesses, ARACON fibers provide a versatile combination of physical and electrical properties for a variety of demanding applications.
Auger Loizeau James Auger, Jimmy Loizeau (Auger Loizeau) project, critical, body
James Auger and Jimmy Loizeau have been collaborating on projects since the concept of the Audio Tooth Implant was first conceived in October 2000. Industrial Design heretofore has mostly been concerned with the process of bringing products to market, making them desirable and therefore saleable. With a slight sideways step: removing the commercial aspect from the requirements of the object, it can adopt a whole different agenda, questioning the process that gives birth to it rather than blindly conforming to it. In this way design can comment on consumer culture, the role of products and the ubiquity and function of technology. It becomes a tool for questioning rather than problem solving. Through the development and dissemination of speculative and critical products and services we hope to instigate a broader analysis of what it means to exist in a technology rich environment both today and in the near future.
Ayah Bdeir Ayah Bdeir artist, engineer, designer, researcher
Ayah Bdeir is an artist, engineer and interaction designer. She graduated from the MIT Media Lab with a Masters of Media Arts and Sciences after studying Computer & Communication Engineering and Sociology in the American University of Beirut. She has worked as a researcher and interaction designer in Lebanon and New York, in artist spaces and design firms, with a brief interruption to work in a financial services firm in New York.
BEE's Susana Soares 2007 ecology, technology, designer, biology
Bees have a phenomenal odor perception. They can be trained within minutes using Pavlov ̕ s reflex to target a specific odor. BEE ̕ S explores how we might co-habit with natural biological systems and use their potential to increase our perceptive abilities. The aim of this project is to develop collaborative relations between scientific and technological research, beekeepers and design, among others, translating the outcome into systems and objects that people can understand and use, engendering significant adjustments. The object depicted provides a diagnosis using bees to detect general health through breath.
By-Wire.Net Marina Toeters designer, innovative fashion, research, collaboration projects, freelance intermediary, fashion companies, creates concepts, presentations, brainstorm sessions, garments, new applications loves to expand innovative fashion by sharing knowledge. It will continue researching and collaboration projects. As freelance intermediary Marina Toeters works for fashion and technical companies; creates concepts, presentations, brainstorm sessions and garments for example for technical companies which are looking for new application for their materials or advises designers interested in process innovation.
Caché Nadya Peek 2009 interaction, MIT media lab, fab-lab, sensor, dress, wearable, interactive clothing, e-textile, social, student, workshop
Nadya Peek, a first year grad student at the MIT Media Lab created a unique interactive dress to close the gap between our presents in the physical and virtual world. The scenario: a Netcitizenís photo on his/her social network platform indicates ëclickableí areas on the personís clothing. By clicking on these areas on the Website the information will be transmitted via smartphone and bluetooth to the piezo speaker in the garment indicating via a click sound someone clicked on the image letting the wearer know he/she feels close right now.
Carnegie Mellon University (Carnegie Mellon University, College of Engineering/College of Fine Arts) school, university, education, research, outreach
Carnegie Mellon is an innovative leader helping to shape the world through education, research and outreach. Recognized for our unique interdisciplinary environment, we encourage work across departmental lines. As a result, our graduates enter the world with the ability to solve complex problems through leadership and collaboration.
Cati Vaucelle Cati Vaucelle (MIT Media Laboratory) avatar, biological, science, healthcare, hybrid
Through an interdisciplinary lens that brings together engineering, art, cognitive science, and healthcare, I explore the anthropomorphic nature of hybrid physical/digital objects and their promise to be catalysts towards unforeseen discoveries. I design objects to offer anima and perspective: from the haptic jacket that an autistic patient wears to express to the doctor what it means to be sensory defensive, to the electromagnetic field detector bracelet that transforms invisible information into visible data for a feeling of empowerment, or an environment where instead of you taking care of your avatar in massive online games, your avatar turns around and takes care of your biological needs.
CeNTI (CeNTI) development and validation, materials formulation, materials development, innovations, textiles, products, nanocoatings, fibres, smart materials, nanotechnology, research lab, process development, systems prototyping, application development and validation, leather
The Centre for nanotechnology and Smart Materials (CeNTI) is a new research, development and prototyping facility. It provides help in boosting advanced fibres, multi-nanocoatings, smart materials and the real performance of products in order to reach to market quickly by offering facilities and expertise that are rarely available in-house.
cimtec Pietro Vincenzini - General Chair (cimtec) ongoing electronics, smart textiles, conferences, event
Intensive research carried out worldwide for creating higher forms of materials, structures and systems by providing them with “life” functions, resulted in a relatively high level of technology readiness with several applications now emerging, demonstrating that smart materials technologies have matured well beyond the conceptual stage. Widespread use of nanotechnology concepts and tools and availability of multiscale computational models coupled with the exponential growth of computing capability and the merging of materials science and engineering with biological information, are fuelling the rate of advancement of the field. Nevertheless further substantial developments are required in the understanding of convergences of materials, electronics and biological systems, to meet relevant needs for present and foreseeable applications. The several Symposia featured by CIMTEC 2012 - 4th International Conference “Smart Materials, Structures and Systems” will cover outstanding areas of the subject from the molecular nanoscales to large complex integrated systems. The Conference Committees are pleased to invite you to foster progress in the field by contributing to discussions within the frames of what promises to be an exciting meeting, and to enjoy the immense, unique, artistic heritage and wonderful landscape of Tuscany.
CircuitWriter (Caig Laboratories) buy, shop, silver, writer, circuit, paint, ink, conductive
Apply instant traces on most surfaces (epoxy, glass, plastic, metal). Draw traces on circuit boards, repair defective traces, make jumpers and shield electronics, design prototype circuits and repair rear-window heater traces.
conductive ink (Caig Laboratories) buy, materials, conductive, ink
d3o Richard Palmer (d3o Lab) non traditional solutions, innovative new products, impact energy, intelligent molecules, engineered material, lab, new kind of product
(dee-three-oh) is a specially engineered material made with intelligent molecules. They flow with you as you move but on shock lock together to absorb the impact energy. d3o lab do not make products for sale, but we work with many brands to produce innovative new products that frequently break the mold of traditional solutions to provide a totally new kind of product. Here are some examples that are available now.
Design Interactions Department (Royal College of Art ) school, art, college, student, conceptual, critical
The course provides a creative and intellectually stimulating environment where students and staff can explore relationships between people, design and emerging technologies in different contexts of practice (industry, design studios, think tanks and research labs), through different design approaches (practical, experimental, conceptual and critical), and by tackling different design roles (maker, strategist and critic).
Digital Media Culture Lab Catherine Elvin (Culture Lab-Newcastle University) research, lab, culture, digital media
The Digital Media Master of Research (MRes) programme is a flexible, creative course in the latest interactive technologies, new media theory, and exploratory media art practice. Working closely with Digital Media staff members, the course offers a supportive community for practice-based research, encouraging innovation and active engagement with the wider cultural sector.
E-ink (E-ink) MIT Media Lab, digital technology, rollable, flexible, electronic paper display, High resolution products, long battery life, flexible, innovation, thin light form, product, thin, light, revolutionary electronic ink
Founded in 1997 based on research started at the MIT Media Lab, E Ink Corporation is the leading supplier of electronic paper display (EPD) technologies. Products made with E Ink's revolutionary electronic ink possess a paper-like high contrast appearance, ultra-low power consumption and a thin, light form. E Ink's technology is ideal for many consumer and industrial applications spanning handheld devices, watches, clocks and public information and promotional signs. Future technology developments will enable many new applications through ultra-thin, lightweight, rugged, flexible, full color displays.
Electronic Textiles: Wearable Computers, Reactive Fashion, and Soft Computation Joanna Berzowska (Xs Lab) 2004 electronic, textiles, smart fabrics, fashionable
Electronic textiles, also referred to as smart fabrics, are quite fashionable right now. Their close relationship with the field of computer wearables gives us many diverging research directions and possible definitions.
Elektrisola (Elektrisola) copper, wire, enamelled, conductive, shop, buy, company
We offer various metals with very different characteristics such as conductivity, mechanical properties, bending proof performance, temperature coefficient and corrosion resistance. Elektrisola produces enamelled and bare copper wire, aluminum wire, copper clad aluminum wire, brass wire, silver plated copper wire, silver wire, and copper nickel wire, all available from 0.010mm to 0.500mm (AWG 58 - 24).
emily crane Emily Crane beta textiles, bio wear, edible, artist
A new breed of designer who is pushing the boundaries of design through materials and process; growing, cultivating and forming new hybrid materials for fashion futures. Borrowing skills from molecular cooking, she is envisioning a future where fast fashion has to respond to a more sustainable future. Setting up a lab in her kitchen, she is growing and freezing bubbles to create a form of bio lace that is both wearable and edible. Micro-Nutrient Couture is a sensory world of transient fashion where no one but the individual will ever wear the same dress again.
Exercices de Style Ying Gao (Exercices de Style Lab) fashion interface, technology clothes, pneumatic pistons, garments, media art, fashion design, textile, tailored approach
Exercices de Style is a Montreal-based fashion design lab.
Extreme Textiles Matilda McQuaid 2005 industry, science, textiles, smart materials, concept, projects, design, book, fashion design, catwalk
Extreme Textiles highlights successful collaborations between design, industry, and science. Large, full-color illustrations and essays by some of today's most influential designers and scientists trace the extraordinary developments made in textiles over the last twenty years and suggest what is to come.
Fab Lab (MIT) 2006 computer controlled tools, MIT, concepts, technological art, DIY, fashionable technology, wearable, workshop, design tools, circuits and microcontrollers, 3D Printing and Scanning Machines
A Fab Lab (fabrication laboratory) is a small-scale workshop with an array of computer controlled tools that cover several different length scales and various materials, with the aim to make "almost anything". This includes technology-enabled products generally perceived as limited to mass production. While Fab Labs have yet to compete with mass production and its associated economies of scale in fabricating widely distributed products, they have already shown the potential to empower individuals to create smart devices for themselves. These devices can be tailored to local or personal needs in ways that are not practical or economical using mass production.
Fablab Waag Society manufacturing, rapid prototyping, lasercutter
Fashion and Modernity Christopher Breward, Caroline Evans 2005 book, fashion, history, contemporary fashion
This book tests the very definition of modernity and enhances our understanding of the role of fashion in the modern world. From top hats to locomotives, dresses to retail outlets, fashion is a prism through which modernity reflects and refracts. Breward and Evans bring together an organic collaboration of voices on this subject. The collection ranges from such topics as James Morrison (1789-1857), the Napoleon of Shopkeepers; to dress in the Stuart era; The Mannequin Parade, 1900-1925; and clothing the London actress (1860-1914). From the relationship between clothing and forensic sciences, to the play of performance, parasexuality, and the celebrity, Fashion and Modernity offers an enlightening look at fashion and the modern age.
Fashion Fianchettos Otto von Busch code, draping, algebraic, fashion, experiment, workshop, paper
Design workshop at Gallery Room 103 in Auckland in Spring 2009, called Fashion Fianchettos. The workshop used live draping and algebraic topology to experiment with new ways of disseminating fashion, as a set of mathematical functions and minimal codes of new drapings that could be sent between fashionistas. With a handful of bandage clips and an oversized t-shirt, the workshop provided an experimental platform for algebraic notated fashion, as well as a laboratory connecting academic text, social media and practical draping.
FASHION-able. hacktivism and engaged fashion design Otto von Busch (School of Design and Crafts (HDK) Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts University of Gothenburg) 2008 open source fashion, hacktivism, reverse engineering, book
Thesis: This thesis consists of a series of extensive projects which aim to explore a new designer role for fashion. It is a role that experiments with how fashion can be reverse engineered, hacked, tuned and shared among many participants as a form of social activism. This social design practice can be called the hacktivism of fashion. It is an engaged and collective process of enablement, creative resistance and DIY practice, where a community share methods and experiences on how to expand action spaces and develop new forms of craftsmanship. In this practice, the designer engages participants to reform fashion from a phenomenon of dictations and anxiety to a collective experience of empowerment, in other words, to make them become fashion-able. As its point of departure, the research takes the practice of hands-on exploration in the DIY upcycling of clothes through “open source” fashion “cookbooks”. By means of hands-on processes, the projects endeavour to create a complementary understanding of the modes of production within the field of fashion design. The artistic research projects have ranged from DIY-kits released at an international fashion week, fashion experiments in galleries, collaborative “hacking” at a shoe factory, engaged design at a rehabilitation centre as well as combined efforts with established fashion brands. Using parallels from hacking, heresy, fan fiction, small change and professional-amateurs, the thesis builds a non-linear framework by which the reader can draw diagonal interpretations through the artistic research projects presented. By means of this alternative reading new understandings may emerge that can expand the action spaces available for fashion design. This approach is not about subverting fashion as much as hacking and tuning it, and making its sub-routines run in new ways, or in other words, bending the current while still keeping the power on.