Adafruit Industries
Limor Fried
(Adafruit) |
prototyping, make, electronics, shop, blog, order online, buy
(Nottingham Trent University ) |
body, protoype, three-dimensional, weaving
Betsy Greer
(Craftivism) |
creativity, community, critical, writing, knitting, diy, activism, craft, political, social
EMF Safety SuperStore
(Less EMF Inc.) |
online shop, buy, materials, conductive thread, yarn, shielding
emily crane
Emily Crane
beta textiles, bio wear, edible, artist
Fashion as Communication
Malcolm Barnard
2002 |
power of fashion, communications, fashion, tendence, lifestyle, book, cultural
Fibonacci Scarf
Diana Eng
fibonacci, scarf, knitting, patterns
(IFAI-Industrial Fabrics Association International) |
World-class trade shows, fabrics/technical textiles industry, association, network, innovative products, global marketplace, fabrics, symposiums, conferences, workshops
IFAI Expo 2010
(IFAI-Industrial Fabrics Association International) |
workshop, expo, conference
Keyboard Trousers
Erik De Nijs
2009 |
nerd, geek, fun, wireless, keyboard, garment, wearable, concept, young
Marielle Leenders
Marielle Leenders
wearable, new applications, clothing, garments, SMA, innovations, research, shape memory textiles, designer, smart textile
Medulla Intimata
Tina Gonsalves, Tom Donaldson
2004 |
public intervention, ewellery, fashion, performance, bio-metrics, technology, moving image
Motion Response Sportswear
Kerri Wallace
designer, thermo-chromic liquid crystals, research, new material, printed textiles, fashion sportwear, smart media, smart printing processes, textile, smart wearable garments, clothing, responsive technology, thermo chromic ink, leucodye microcapsules, color changing
Sabine Seymour
(Parsons The New School for Design) |
entrepreneurship, innovation, design, faculty, university, education, school
pop up lace
Carole Collet
2009 |
future products, paper lace, artist, exhibition
2006 |
performance, nano arts, computer science, architecture, anthropology, virtual art, media art history, conference, photography, pop culture, visual culture
ANAT, CNMA, Craft Australia
(Reskin) |
2007 |
ANAT, media art, textile, sound design, jewellery, university, group
Smart Products
(Estonian Academy of Arts ) |
school, art, academy
(SpinExpo) |
expo, event, fibres, yarns, knitting, fabrics, technical textiles
Stretchable Circuits
(TU Berlin and Fraunhofer IZM) |
TEXTILE Kaunas Biennial
Chief Executive: Virginija Vitkienė (info@kaunas.biennial.lt), Project administrator Gintarė Dūdėnaitė gintare@bienale.lt,
(Kaunas Biennial, Kaunas Biennial Board E-mail: info@kaunas.biennial.lt) |
biennial, fall |
discursive textile culture, textile art, exhibition
(Messe Frankfurt) |
2010 |
shirting, cotton, prints, functional fabrics, fibres, wool-blends, wool, silky aspects, silk, lace, embroidery, trims and accessories producers, garment manufacturers, clothing fabrics, marketplace, event, linen, denim, knitted fabrics, trims & accessories, clothing, style, publications
(Tessitura Tele Metalliche Rossi Oliviero & C. S.r.l. ) |
iron, aluminium, industry, wire mesh, nets, wire mesh and welded nets with stainless steel, special alloys, galvanized, copper, bronze, brass, titanium, synthetic threads
Piem Wirtz
(V2_Institute for Unstable Media) |
fields of art and culture, technical solutions, artistic research, projects, artists, wearable technology
Wifi Jacket, Intimate Controllers
Jenny L Chowdhury
Arduino micro-controller, LED, fun, hacked WiFi detector, designer, apparel, wearable researcher, geek style, technological decoration, changing colors, cyber world, physical computing
Ztretch music controller
Joe Paradiso, Dave Merrill
(MIT Media Lab) |
2006 |
MIT, electronic textiles, audio