Elise Co, Nikita Pashenkov
(Aeolab) |
laboratory, design, technology, experience, hardware, software
Aeolian Ride
Jessica Findley
event, humor, playground, suits, inflate
Angel Chang
Angel Chang
fashion, designer
(Micro Coax) |
conductive fibers, metal coating, light, weight, flexibility, aramid fibers, strenght, kevlar, dupont, bullet- resistant vest, high-speed boats, military helmets, nickel, copper, silver, electrical properties, applications
(SmartProjects, SparkFun Electronics, Gravitech) |
open-source electronics prototyping platform, flexible, easy to use, hardware, software, interactive objects, environments, built by hand, controlling lights and motors, diy
Auger Loizeau
James Auger, Jimmy Loizeau
(Auger Loizeau) |
project, critical, body
Viktor & Rolf
2002 |
catwalk, innovation, screen, haute couture, fashion, company, designer, brand, bright blue garments, reflective textile
Gauri Nanda, Adrian Cable
2004 |
communication, accessories
Chanel Light Bulb Heels
Karl Lagerfeld
(Chanel) |
2008 |
haute couture, light bulb, fashion, wearable, shoes, garments, luxury brand, expencive
Climate Dress
Michel Guglielmi, Hanne Louise Johannesen
(Diffus Studio) |
2009 |
wearable, Arduino Lilypad, light, LED, interaction, social
Costume Choreography I
Michel Guglielmi, Hanne Louise Johannesen
(Diffus Studio) |
2007 |
garments, choreography, Electroluminescent, light, wearable, social, theatre
Costume Choreography II
Michel Guglielmi, Hanne Louise Johannesen
(Diffus Studio) |
2008 |
garments, choreography, Electroluminescent, light, wearable, social, theatre
(Decobel) |
2009 |
interior, textile, fabrics, high quality, inventive fabrics, classical damasks, jacquards, contemporary trends, luxurious silks, warm wools, elegant plain, hand printed velvets, modern leathers, customize fabrics, quality, style, polyester taffett‡ panel, embroidery, floral simple motives, luminous fabrics, Luminex, made in Italy
(E-ink) |
MIT Media Lab, digital technology, rollable, flexible, electronic paper display, High resolution products, long battery life, flexible, innovation, thin light form, product, thin, light, revolutionary electronic ink
Enlighted Designs
Janet Hansen
light, clothing, design, illuminating, textile
Extreme Textiles
Matilda McQuaid
2005 |
industry, science, textiles, smart materials, concept, projects, design, book, fashion design, catwalk
Fashion and Modernity
Christopher Breward, Caroline Evans
2005 |
book, fashion, history, contemporary fashion
Flare Dress
Stijn Ossevoort
electronic engineering, user interface research, product design, material research, technical project management, production management, microprocessor programming, graphic design, 3D visualization
Younghui Kim
(Absurdee) |
amplitude in clothing, scale of lights, sound levels, wearable visual reflection, accessories, louder, apparel, lights up
Hussein Chalayan Monography
Caroline Evans, Suzy Menkes, Bradley Quinn
2005 |
book, hussein chalayan, haute couture, fashion designer, catwalk, artist
(Illutron artists cooperative) |
fire, music, installation art, event platform, worshop, culture house, art, artist cooperative, light, dance, film
Institute for soldier nanotechnologies
(MIT) |
2002 |
nanotechnology, school, institute, research
Interactive Architecture
Ruairi Glynn
blog, news, Architecture, Articles, Audio, Books, Devices, Events, Flying, Furniture, Haptic, Inflatable, Interactive, Kinetic, Lighting, New Materials, Reciprocal, robotics, Scuplture/Installation, Virtual, Visual
Interactive Wear
(Interactive Wear) |
Solar and other mobile power systems, Garment heating systems, Entertainment and communication systems, new applications, innovative products, garment industry, solutions, Electronics textiles, collaborations, research, company, Lighting solutions, Textile interconnection components, wearable electronics, sports, healthcare, workwear
International Fashion Machines
Maggie Orth
(International Fashion Machines ) |
contemporary design, functional
(Tisch School of the Arts ) |
school, graduate program, art
(Nyx Clothing) |
garment, computer controlled, wearable technology, style, fashion, jackets, apparel, clothing, LED, collaborations, performance, fun-loving experience, flexible panels, clubber, entertainent, sales representative, sound processor
LED Coat
Wendy Legro
light up, clothing, LED, product, illuminating
LED Kimono
Miya Masaoka
2009 |
traditional kimono patterns, musical, light emitting diodes, handmade, prototype, light sound instrument, art, LED, interactive instrument, dress, wearable
Lost Values
(Distance Lab) |
2008 |
events, collaborations, designers, team, craft, technology, distance lab, shop online, wearable, jewellery, interiors, lighting, type wear, diy, solar, costumized, limited editions, previews, news, smart textile, garment, apparel