Fab Lab
(MIT) |
2006 |
computer controlled tools, MIT, concepts, technological art, DIY, fashionable technology, wearable, workshop, design tools, circuits and microcontrollers, 3D Printing and Scanning Machines
Fashionable Technology
Sabine Seymour
2008 |
Hussein Chalayan, New York University, XS Labs, MIT Media Lab, Burton, Philips, companies and artists, research institutes, clothing, fabrics, fashion design, wearables, electronic textile, book, Cute Circuit, fashionable technology, projects, conceps, schools, prototypes
International Fashion Machines
Maggie Orth
(International Fashion Machines ) |
contemporary design, functional
Kelly Dobson
Kelly Dobson
MIT, art, engineering, people, machines
Maggie Orth
Maggie Orth
artist, interactive, physical interfaces, wearable computing, electronic textiles, interactive textile musical instruments
Hebe Verstappen
(Audax Textielmuseum-Textiellab ) |
textile design, school, textilelab, knitting, museum, machines, education, embroidering
Zeroes and Ones: Digital Women and the New Technoculture
Sadie Plant
1997 |
book, digital, computers, women, craft