Alexandra Fede
Alexandra Fede
clothings, integrated microelectronics, designer, technological stylist, italian fashion, researcher, new esthetics, hi-tech applications, innovative fibres, haute couture, catwalk, garment, para-aramidic fibres, textile treatments, nanotechnologies, sports wear, work wear, accessories, collaborations
(CeNTI) |
development and validation, materials formulation, materials development, innovations, textiles, products, nanocoatings, fibres, smart materials, nanotechnology, research lab, process development, systems prototyping, application development and validation, leather
Pietro Vincenzini - General Chair
(cimtec) |
ongoing |
electronics, smart textiles, conferences, event
Grado Zero Espace
Pagliai Filippo
(Grado Zero Espace) |
new technology, new material, leader, innovations, lobaratory test, prototyping, design, engineering, medical equipment, safety equipment, sport equipment, nautical, automotive, clothing, furnishing, wearable technology, textile structures, accessories, interior, smart material, research, company, nanotubes, fibers, fabrics, composite textile structures, limited edition, European Space Agency Ttp, oricalco fabric
Institute for soldier nanotechnologies
(MIT) |
2002 |
nanotechnology, school, institute, research
International Conference, Ghent
Universiteit Ghent-Department of Textiles
2009 |
new technologies, new applications, new developments, advanced fibre, International Conference, Department of Textiles, Ghent University, industries, designers, discussions, nanofibres, electrospinning, smart textiles, medical textiles, innovative advanced textiles, textile conference, safety and protective textiles, biobased textiles, nanocomposites, advanced fibre reinforced composites, artificial turf
Nano Force
(Nano Force) |
nano, technology, polymers, particles, nano tubes, carbon, company, research
Nano Mates
(Universitá degli studi di Salerno) |
2007 |
research centre, university, nano technology
Ir. Els Van der Burght
2010 |
wearability, confort, electronic processor, wearable sensor, nanotechnology, high level, protective textile, protective apparel, chemical, biological, nuclear, ballistic, clothing, intelligent textile, defense, study institute, textile materials, design, manufacturing, New dress concepts, Department of Textiles/ UGent
2006 |
performance, nano arts, computer science, architecture, anthropology, virtual art, media art history, conference, photography, pop culture, visual culture
Sun Dry Swim
(Sun Dry Technologies) |
UV, nano technology, skin, fabric
Ted Pella
(Ted Pella Inc) |
Semiconductors, Neurosciences, Nanotechnology, Microelectronics, Histology, Forensics, Genetics, Failure Analysis, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Biology, Microscopy, Electron Microprobe Analysis, Electron Microscopy, Materials Science, Metallography, Materialography
Textile Futures Research Group
University of the art-London
(TFRG) |
schools, fashion, sustainability, textile product, textile applications, University of the Arts London, research, product, environment, architecture, medicine, university, technology driven textile research, Central Saint Martins, London College of Fashion, Chelsea College of Art, Digital Textile Design, smart textile, nanotechnology
Universiteit Twente
Zsofia Ruttkay
(UT-Universiteit Twente) |
university, school, students, bachelor, master, research, bio-nano technology, susteinable energy, design sciences, communication design, natural sciences, life and social sciences, communication technology, test centre
Veneto Nanotech
(Veneto Nanotech s.c.p.a.) |
2003 |
nanotechnology, research
(Vinnova University College of Boras) |
manufacture, development, Industrialisation, designed materials, bachelor, master, course, school, material concepts