Fashion Fianchettos
Otto von Busch
code, draping, algebraic, fashion, experiment, workshop, paper
Modes for Urban Moods
Teresa Almeida
2005 |
wearable coping mechanism, social, interaction, dress, sculptural expressions, dress, wearable, expands in size
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projects cluster, collaborations, MyHeart, BIOTEX, PROETEX, STELLA, OFSETH, CONTEXT, MERMOTH, smart fabrics, interactive textile, flexible wearable systems, smart textile, smart clothes, sensor, piezo-resistive yarns, optic fibers, colored multi layers, Research and Development, Intelligent Biomedical Clothing, Biomedical Clothing, European Commission, Wearable Healthcare System
Solar Bikini
andrew schneider
solar, power supply, charge, photovoltaic, conductive thread
Tap Tap
L.Bonanni, J.Lieberman, C.Vaucelle, O.Zuckerman
2005 |
wearable system, project, record, distribute, affectionate touch, emotional therapy, scarf, haptic devices, useful accessory, felt, haptic modules, record sensations, microcontroller circuit, metal snaps, touch memory, sex, sizing, height, shoe size, coloring, student, MIT Media Lab, interaction design
The Stockmarket Skirt
Nancy Paterson
stock ticker, skirt, fashion, monitor, pixel, display
XYinteraction-Textile Interface
Maurin Donneaud, Vincent Roudaut
flexibility, texture, size, choreographic movements, playing electronic music, tactile interface, interactive textile, trasparency, body, musical interpretation