Material ConneXion
(Material ConneXion) |
Military, Packaging, Marketing, Materials Science, manufacturing solutions, material scientists, material solutions, multinational, network, Aerospace, Apparel/athletic shoes, Architectural interiors, Automotive, Branding, Building and construction, Chemical engineering, Chemicals/plastics, Consumer electronics, Consumer Insight, Consumer products, Durable goods, Fiber optic, Furniture, Industrial Design, Interior Design, Interior Fittings and Hardware, Personal Care, Retail, Sporting Goods, Textiles, Toys
Motion Response Sportswear
Kerri Wallace
designer, thermo-chromic liquid crystals, research, new material, printed textiles, fashion sportwear, smart media, smart printing processes, textile, smart wearable garments, clothing, responsive technology, thermo chromic ink, leucodye microcapsules, color changing
(Textronics) |
heart rate, monitoring, smart fabrics, apparel
Oled Dress
Gareth Pugh
2009 |
OLEDs, organics LEDs, light display, plastic electronics technology, printed circuits, wearable, garment, dress, special fabric, flexible layer, microcontroller, changes color, coating textiles, smart textile, designer, new concept
Margarita Benitez
(open source jacquard loom) |
ongoing |
DIY, affordable, open source loom, weaving
Lorna Goulden
(Philips Design-Research) |
cultural spheres, smart material, technology, collaborations, products, Multi-sensorial, research, design, technology, innovation
Piezing Dress, Muk Luk Flux
Amanda Parkes
2008 |
mechanisms for working prototypes of Tangible User Interfaces, electronics, developing software, Human-Computer Interaction, journals, conferences, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer programming, students, hard-working, technically competent, creative, interactions, digital information, surfaces, physical objects, designing human interfaces, Tangible Bits vision, electrical /mechanical engineering skills, design aesthetics, installations, video performance, wearable technology, creativity
Robot Girl vs Simple Girl
Anouk Wipprecht
smart textiles, circuits, fashion tech, wearable electronics, fashion designer, interaction design, realising prototypes
(Stichting SCRAP) |
textile, small parts, wood, rubber, parts, materials, buy
2006-2008 |
exhibition, show, interactive, smart clothing
Kristin Neidlinger
2011 - ongoing |
tech lab, smart textiles, future fabric
) |
projects cluster, collaborations, MyHeart, BIOTEX, PROETEX, STELLA, OFSETH, CONTEXT, MERMOTH, smart fabrics, interactive textile, flexible wearable systems, smart textile, smart clothes, sensor, piezo-resistive yarns, optic fibers, colored multi layers, Research and Development, Intelligent Biomedical Clothing, Biomedical Clothing, European Commission, Wearable Healthcare System
Smart clothes and Wearable Technology
J. McCaan, D. Bryson
2009 |
textile, fashion, wearable technology, smart clothes, book, electronics, smart materials
Smart Clothes and Wearable Technology Group
(Newport School of Art, Media and Design) |
2004 |
research group, product design, university, school, art, smart, clothes
Smart Fabrics Conference
Intertech Pira
2010 |
diy, conference, smart fabrics, event, 150 industries, applications, 24 countries, fashion technology, technical garments, electronic wearable, seminar, lighted apparel, technology, miami
Smart Lab Digital Media Institute
(University of East London) |
2005 |
creative industry, event, lab
Smart Products
(Estonian Academy of Arts ) |
school, art, academy
Smart Second Skin Dress
Jenny Tillotson
human biology, garment, wearer, scents, new interactive fabric, senses, body's circulatin system, wearable, micro mechanisms, communication system, aromatic messages, body
(Smartex s.r.l.) |
1999 |
health monitoring, easy-to-use interfaces, Electronic textile, processor, actuator, sensor, power supply, fabrics, textile, E-textile, innovative solutions, smart materials, centre of research, rehabilitation, sport medicine, biomedical, ergonomics, security, Research and development, Consulting
(Solarmer) |
2006 |
building-integrated photovoltaics, portable electronics, renewable energy, flexible plastic solar panels, smart fabrics, interactive textiles, wearable form, recyclable
Studio subTela
Barbara Layne
(Hexagram Institute) |
institute, research, visual art, engineering, intelligent clothing, smart fabrics
Anab Jain, Jon Ardern, Liam Young, Chris Hand
(Superflux) |
technology, people, company, design
Techno Textiles 1-2
Sarah Braddock
'98-'05 |
book, smart textiles, natural fibers, science, design, engineering, fashion, materials, microfibers
Textile Futures Research Group
University of the art-London
(TFRG) |
schools, fashion, sustainability, textile product, textile applications, University of the Arts London, research, product, environment, architecture, medicine, university, technology driven textile research, Central Saint Martins, London College of Fashion, Chelsea College of Art, Digital Textile Design, smart textile, nanotechnology
The Stockmarket Skirt
Nancy Paterson
stock ticker, skirt, fashion, monitor, pixel, display
(TITV Greiz) |
test centre, technical labs, new applications, innovative textile products, interdisciplinary cooperation, textile research, partner for research, flexible materials, special textile, institute, Textile Microsystems Technique/Smart Textiles, info centre, functional surfaces, sport & wellness applications
(TNO) |
energy managment, Construction and spatial development, accessibility, Employment participation and the ageing population, healty living, defence, public safety, research organization, industry, High-tech systems, processes and materials, technology, smart materials, company
Blain Brownell, Transtudio
resource, book, website
(Varitex) |
company, smart materials, medical equipment, research
Pierre Proske
interactive, audio, visual installation, print, textile, pattern