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Project Persons Year Tags
Body Pixel Deborah Hustic technology, interviews, wearable, blog, artist, beta
Deborah Hustic aka body pixel – artist, blogger, web dreamer… working with analogue and digital media. Holds MA in Comparative Literature and Ethnology, thesis on the topic of Butoh. Trained in graphic design; workshops in the fields of photography, dance, computer arts, semantic web, podcasts, textile arts, dance criticism, wearable technology, etc. For 15 years involved in new media. Interested in interactive performance and motion, wearable technology and the usage of new media art in performative context, DIY and free culture movement.
Fashioning the future Suzanne Lee 2005 textile art, textile and smart technology, new matrials, new technology, creative exploration, innovative directions, tomorrow's wardrobe, Emergent technologies, Future Fashion, book, fashion history, design, accessories, wearable technology
Fashioning the Future is a visionary and creative exploration of where fashion and clothing are heading, the very first guide to the future wardrobe and the emergent technologies making it possible. Ten major themes embrace all kinds of clothing, from The Spray-On Dress to The Talking T-Shirt, all accompanied by Warren du Preez and Nick Thornton Joness distinctive images. Both a unique visual journey and an inspirational research tool, this book is aimed at the entire fashion world, design students and global marketeers.
TEXTILE Kaunas Biennial Chief Executive: Virginija Vitkienė (, Project administrator Gintarė Dūdėnaitė, (Kaunas Biennial, Kaunas Biennial Board E-mail: biennial, fall discursive textile culture, textile art, exhibition
We seek to make Kaunas biennial TEXTILE the most significant event for contemporary textile art in Europe, which reflects analytically the art processes currently taking place all over the world, by bringing up the priorities of creative collaboration, openness and democratic relationships in the processes of art creation and its perception. Kaunas Biennial is a platform and a real opportunity for - artists’ debates and the realisation of innovative ideas, - collaboration among artists and visitors, - the enhancement of the sense of community through creative activities, - interdisciplinary artistic and academic practices, - international and intercontinental partnerships and - the creation of a discursive textile culture.
TEXTURA (TEXTURA Trading Company ) shop online, yans, fabric, textile, fibers, handweavers, innovative materials
Textura Trading Company is a mail order business dedicated to providing unique yarns and fibers to handweavers, spinners and textile artists. Some of our yarns and fibers are traditional, others represent innovative developments in both fiber qualities and environmental friendliness.