(Slam) |
1979 |
hi-tech fabrics, brand, clothing, wearable, garment, textile, sportswear, fibres, sailing apparel, company, manufacturer
Smart clothes and Wearable Technology
J. McCaan, D. Bryson
2009 |
textile, fashion, wearable technology, smart clothes, book, electronics, smart materials
Smart Products
(Estonian Academy of Arts ) |
school, art, academy
(Smartex s.r.l.) |
1999 |
health monitoring, easy-to-use interfaces, Electronic textile, processor, actuator, sensor, power supply, fabrics, textile, E-textile, innovative solutions, smart materials, centre of research, rehabilitation, sport medicine, biomedical, ergonomics, security, Research and development, Consulting
(Solarmer) |
2006 |
building-integrated photovoltaics, portable electronics, renewable energy, flexible plastic solar panels, smart fabrics, interactive textiles, wearable form, recyclable
(SpinExpo) |
expo, event, fibres, yarns, knitting, fabrics, technical textiles
(Spoonflower) |
2008 |
community, start-up, shop, on demand, fabric, printing, digital, textile, company
Sportstech: Revolutionary Fabrics, Fashion, and Design
Marie O'Mahony, Sarah E. Braddock
2002 |
garment, textile, fabrics, new technology, sports, book, apparel
Stone Island
Carlo Rivetti
(Stone Island/C.P. Company) |
1982 |
classic, high tech material, sport style, fashion, brand, wearable, fibres, fabrics, garments, textile
Studio subTela
Barbara Layne
(Hexagram Institute) |
institute, research, visual art, engineering, intelligent clothing, smart fabrics
Kerry Bodine
2003 |
wearable computing, design, fashion culture, books, conferences, culture, design, exhibitions, fashion, fun, health, interaction, personal, products, projects, technology, textiles, wearability, blog, news
Swedish School of Textiles
(University of Boras) |
library, machinery, sewing, knitting, education, university, textiles, school, research, practice
Eric Zainzinger
(E-textile) |
2006 |
garment, fibers, LED, textile, interactive clothing, DIY, blog, electronic, wearable, fashion, research, news
Techno Textiles 1-2
Sarah Braddock
'98-'05 |
book, smart textiles, natural fibers, science, design, engineering, fashion, materials, microfibers
TED textiles environment design
Prof. Kay Politowicz, Rebecca Earley, Miriam Ribul, Clara Vuletich, Melanie Bowles, Caryn Simonson, Lorna Bircham, Kathy Round
(Chelsea College of Art & Design) |
ongoing |
sustainable design, recycling, durability, research
Teijin Fibers
(Teijin Fibers Limited) |
fibers, research, development, polymers, manufacturer, sell, company
Ten Cate
(Ten Cate) |
military, interior design, safety and protection, no-UV radiation material, lightweight materials in aircraft, fire-fighting clothing, protective materials, specialist material, chemical processes, textile technology, multinational company, sport and recreations, aerospace, infrastructure, environment, artificial grass, industry
Hebe Verstappen
(Audax Textielmuseum-Textiellab ) |
textile design, school, textilelab, knitting, museum, machines, education, embroidering
manufacturing, textile
Textile futures
(MA Design for Textile Futures-Central Saint Martins School of Art and Design) |
news, students, blog, school
Textile Futures Research Group
University of the art-London
(TFRG) |
schools, fashion, sustainability, textile product, textile applications, University of the Arts London, research, product, environment, architecture, medicine, university, technology driven textile research, Central Saint Martins, London College of Fashion, Chelsea College of Art, Digital Textile Design, smart textile, nanotechnology
TEXTILE Kaunas Biennial
Chief Executive: Virginija Vitkienė (info@kaunas.biennial.lt), Project administrator Gintarė Dūdėnaitė gintare@bienale.lt,
(Kaunas Biennial, Kaunas Biennial Board E-mail: info@kaunas.biennial.lt) |
biennial, fall |
discursive textile culture, textile art, exhibition
Textile/Surface Design Course
Zane Berzina
(Weissensee Kunsthochschule) |
masters, bachelor course, textile and surface design, course, students, art
(TEXTURA Trading Company ) |
shop online, yans, fabric, textile, fibers, handweavers, innovative materials
(Messe Frankfurt) |
2010 |
shirting, cotton, prints, functional fabrics, fibres, wool-blends, wool, silky aspects, silk, lace, embroidery, trims and accessories producers, garment manufacturers, clothing fabrics, marketplace, event, linen, denim, knitted fabrics, trims & accessories, clothing, style, publications
The Montreal Centre for Contemporary Textiles
(The Montreal Centre for Contemporary Textiles) |
artists, researcher, network, computer assisted, embroidery, non- profit organizations, developing textile, creations, design, education, training, consulting, research, production, equipment rental, exhibition, textile creation, high tech, weaving, knitting, students, international
The Supermodern Wardrobe
Andrew Bolton
2002 |
book, wardrobe, dress, urban, pollution, revolutionary
The Textile Institute
Vanessa Knowles
(The Textile Institute) |
textile institute, school, professionalism, textile industries, worldwide, management, art, design, fashion, economics, science, engineering, research, production, marketing, selling, retailing, education, training, commercial operations, fibre production
Anna Maria Cornelia de Gersem
(Textiles Open Innovation Centre) |
2011 |
textiles, innovation, centre, research, events exhibition, workshop
(TITV Greiz) |
test centre, technical labs, new applications, innovative textile products, interdisciplinary cooperation, textile research, partner for research, flexible materials, special textile, institute, Textile Microsystems Technique/Smart Textiles, info centre, functional surfaces, sport & wellness applications