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Fashion and Modernity Christopher Breward, Caroline Evans 2005 book, fashion, history, contemporary fashion
This book tests the very definition of modernity and enhances our understanding of the role of fashion in the modern world. From top hats to locomotives, dresses to retail outlets, fashion is a prism through which modernity reflects and refracts. Breward and Evans bring together an organic collaboration of voices on this subject. The collection ranges from such topics as James Morrison (1789-1857), the Napoleon of Shopkeepers; to dress in the Stuart era; The Mannequin Parade, 1900-1925; and clothing the London actress (1860-1914). From the relationship between clothing and forensic sciences, to the play of performance, parasexuality, and the celebrity, Fashion and Modernity offers an enlightening look at fashion and the modern age.
Front 3.0 Ralph Borland, Jessica Findley, Margot Jacobs (Millefiori Effect) suit, inflatable, audio, voice, sound
The project "Front" consists of 2 symbiotic, voice-activated, inflatable conflict suits. Front is a sort of an endless game of vocal battle between two people who wear suits equipped with fans which inflate when they yell. Each suit has two types of inflation sacks - aggressive and defensive - which inflate depending on who is making sound. The suits are to be worn by the public.
Sound Reactive Garment Sarah Soriano relathionship, artist, designer, interactive, garment, sound, microphone, garment
The nightgown reacts to high voice levels and was made as a result of the 56 day performance. The nightgown illustrates increased sensitivity within the relationship. The microphone, located near the left shoulder of the gown, requires a loud noise to trigger the garment. The gown will remained ëstressedí if activated frequently.
Voiceprints Pierre Proske interactive, audio, visual installation, print, textile, pattern
VOICEPRINTS is an interactive audio visual installation. A person speaks into a microphone, their voice is analysed for frequency content, and then a number of small similar textile patterns are re-arranged in an abstract representation of the personís vocal frequency print. These patterns are either projected onto a surface or displayed on a large screen and eventually turn translucent and then fade away. The person's voice becomes a playful and intuitive interface to the visual display.