Ritmo Pregnancy
(Nuvo) |
safe, music, sound, wearable, pregnancy, gadget, fun, music player, stylish
Robot Girl vs Simple Girl
Anouk Wipprecht
smart textiles, circuits, fashion tech, wearable electronics, fashion designer, interaction design, realising prototypes
Kristin Neidlinger
2011 - ongoing |
tech lab, smart textiles, future fabric
Jan Perschy
digital art, coding, beta textiles, wearables diploma
sf fashion & tech
Mika Uehara, Charles Belle, Adelle McElveen
blog, trends, startups, wearable tech, fashtech
) |
projects cluster, collaborations, MyHeart, BIOTEX, PROETEX, STELLA, OFSETH, CONTEXT, MERMOTH, smart fabrics, interactive textile, flexible wearable systems, smart textile, smart clothes, sensor, piezo-resistive yarns, optic fibers, colored multi layers, Research and Development, Intelligent Biomedical Clothing, Biomedical Clothing, European Commission, Wearable Healthcare System
(Slam) |
1979 |
hi-tech fabrics, brand, clothing, wearable, garment, textile, sportswear, fibres, sailing apparel, company, manufacturer
Kristin Neidlinger
enhanced bodies, artist, wearable, sensors
Smart clothes and Wearable Technology
J. McCaan, D. Bryson
2009 |
textile, fashion, wearable technology, smart clothes, book, electronics, smart materials
Smart Clothes and Wearable Technology Group
(Newport School of Art, Media and Design) |
2004 |
research group, product design, university, school, art, smart, clothes
Smart Fabrics Conference
Intertech Pira
2010 |
diy, conference, smart fabrics, event, 150 industries, applications, 24 countries, fashion technology, technical garments, electronic wearable, seminar, lighted apparel, technology, miami
Smart Second Skin Dress
Jenny Tillotson
human biology, garment, wearer, scents, new interactive fabric, senses, body's circulatin system, wearable, micro mechanisms, communication system, aromatic messages, body
Smoking Jacket
Fiona Carswell
2008 |
wearable, interaction design, garment, clothes, air filter, exploring visceral, reflective design, user-centered designer
Joe Hynek
(Solarjo) |
wearable technology, gadgets, new products, fashion
(Solarmer) |
2006 |
building-integrated photovoltaics, portable electronics, renewable energy, flexible plastic solar panels, smart fabrics, interactive textiles, wearable form, recyclable
Stern Lab
Becky Stern
(Stern Lab) |
2002 |
conductive thread, lab, sensor, light, applications, wearable, LED, DIY, lilypad arduino, personal expression
Stone Island
Carlo Rivetti
(Stone Island/C.P. Company) |
1982 |
classic, high tech material, sport style, fashion, brand, wearable, fibres, fabrics, garments, textile
Studio subTela
Barbara Layne
(Hexagram Institute) |
institute, research, visual art, engineering, intelligent clothing, smart fabrics
Kerry Bodine
2003 |
wearable computing, design, fashion culture, books, conferences, culture, design, exhibitions, fashion, fun, health, interaction, personal, products, projects, technology, textiles, wearability, blog, news
Suzi Webster
Suzi Webster
new media, installation, artist, critique
Alison Lewis
2008 |
blog, technology, life & style, social look, fashion, wearable, news, craft, diy
Eric Zainzinger
(E-textile) |
2006 |
garment, fibers, LED, textile, interactive clothing, DIY, blog, electronic, wearable, fashion, research, news
Tap Tap
L.Bonanni, J.Lieberman, C.Vaucelle, O.Zuckerman
2005 |
wearable system, project, record, distribute, affectionate touch, emotional therapy, scarf, haptic devices, useful accessory, felt, haptic modules, record sensations, microcontroller circuit, metal snaps, touch memory, sex, sizing, height, shoe size, coloring, student, MIT Media Lab, interaction design
Deborah Hustic
exhibition, blog, wearables, guerilla knitting
The T-Shirt Issue
Linda Kostowski, Mashallah Design
2008 |
lasercutter, wearable, geometric garment, personal expression, formal-poetic garment, unconventional t-shirt
Touched by Strangers
Alexander Reeder
2008 |
rechargeable battery, motor, conductive ribbon, interactive garments, accessories, wearable technology, performative elements, designer, fashion, custom circuit
Trasformer Fashion Show
Hussein Chalayan
2007 |
sensor, clothes, textile, radical fashion, LED, fashion designer, wearable, visionary, haute couture
(TUT Department of Electronics) |
material technology, electronics, interdisciplinary, wearable technology, research, technology, university, textile technology, school
Unravel @ siggraph
2006 |
tech, wearable, exhibition, show, fashion
Piem Wirtz
(V2_Institute for Unstable Media) |
fields of art and culture, technical solutions, artistic research, projects, artists, wearable technology