Results 1 - 22 of 22
Project Persons Year Tags
Ar Magic System Martín Nadal, Damien Stewart, Javier Lloret, Blanca Rego, Julio Lucio y Jordi Puig (Lalalab) 2007 big screen, face recognition, video, video, multi-user, 180 large field of view, no narrative, anywhere, Medialab Prado, Openframework, face
Interactive system inspired in the magic tricks of Deli magician that were later reproduced by the famous David Copperfield. This tricks consisted in cutting the head of a duch and a chicken, interchange them and later place them again in their correspondant bodies.
ARhrrrr Augmented Environments Lab (GVU) 2009 handheld phone, graphic image recognition, image, map, generative animation, sound, single-user, 360 choice of perspective, small field of view, reactive to hand position, physical objects, first person shootergame, conscious choice about narrative, phisical objects trigger events, any surface, anywhere, quick setup, skittles, game, zombies
ARhrrrr is an augmented reality shooter for mobile camera-phones. The phone provides a window into a 3d town overrun with zombies. Point the camera at our special game map to mix virtual and real world content. Civilians are trapped in the town, and must escape before the zombies eat them! From your vantage point in a helicopter overhead, you must shoot the zombies to clear the path for the civilians to get out. You can use Skittles as tangible inputs to the game, placing one on the board and shooting it to trigger an explosion.
Art of Defense Augmented Environments Lab (Georgia Institute of Technology) 2009 Smartphone, shape recognition, tilt sensor, graphic playing board, generative animation, multi-user, 360 small field of view, reactive to hand position, interactive linear narrative, on any suface, game, novel, phone
Art of Defense (AoD) is a novel AR game for a commodity phone (the Nokia N95). The goal of Art Of Defense is to explore game design and interaction techniques that are well suited to mobile AR on a small screen device. One principle guiding AoD is to uses the phones limitations as part of the game itself; in this case, designing assuming the player has a limited view of a larger game space.
Augmented Reality Theater Jurjen Caarls, Wim van Eck, Pawel Pokutycki, Marina de Haas (AR+RFID LAB) 2007 headmounted, graphic image recognition, data glove, marker logo's, animation, single-user, 360 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to head position, narrative triggered by data glove, on any surface, puppet, theater, UnDeaf, V2_
The new interactive installation of the AR+RFID Lab - Augmented Reality Theater - has been presented for the first time to the interrnational audience of unDEAF, April 10-15, satellite event of the Dutch Electronic Art Festival (DEAF) 2007 in Rotterdam. After unDEAF, the AR+RFID Lab team has been also invited to participate in the unDEAF Ex_posed event at V2_, organization hosting and curating the festival.
Augmented Shadow Joon Moon 2010 Table screen, shape recognition, markers, generative animation, multi-user, 180 large field of view, interactive non-linear narrative, anywhere, shadows, openframeworks, ISMAR, table
Augmented Shadow is a design experiment producing an artificial shadow effect through the use of tangible objects, blocks, on a displayable tabletop interface. Its goal is to offer a new type of user-experience. The project plays on the fact that shadows present distorted silhouettes depending on the light.
Epizentrum Martin Zeplichal 2005 projection, videomapping, architecture, reactive animation, multi-user, 180 large field of view, no narrative, anywhere indoors, long setup, projectionmapping, audio reactive, energy, edges
The sensitive reciprocity between visitor and space is visualized by interactively animating the existing architectural geometry. Seismographic oscillations produced by the visitor of the space get amplified and every step causes striking movements of the ambient itself. This map of oscillation gets amplified and transferred into a visible real-time animation that projects the animated edges of the building geometry on itself. The space visibly moves and becomes both interactive toy and interface.
Expression of Joy (Inition, Dare) 2009 desktop, shape recognition, marker, generative animation, single-user, flat small field of view, reacts to marker position, no narrative, any computer with webcam, ARtvertising, car, bmw, customize
BMW initiated an online augmented reality campaign to promote the launch of the BMW Z4. Inition worked with Dare to create a unique interactive online brand experience supporting the TV campaign in which a roadster is steered across a blank canvas with the tires providing paint trails and colourful ‘expressions of joy’. Powered by Inition’s augmented reality technology MagicSymbol, users can now create their own ‘expression of joy’ online. Users can test drive a virtual 3D Z4 and record their paint trails via the webcam and upload videos of their creations to YouTube. The augmented reality application is complemented by content on Facebook and YouTube
Its my time Fabrica (Benetton Group) 2010 Desktop, shape recognition, marker, Video, videofeed, single-user, small field of view, reactive to marker position, linear narrative, any desktop, ARvertizement, fashion, casting, competition
IT'S MY TIME is a worldwide search for fresh faces and new styles for Benetton's 2010 campaign. Augmented Reality or AR enhances the printed page by layering a virtual image over real paper and ink.
LevelHead Julian Oliver 2008 desktop, graphic image recognition, markers, generative video, single-user, small field of view, reactive to object position, memory game, conscious choice about narrative, in front of any computer with webcam, Laval Virtual 09, Prix Ars Electronica '08, Technical Innovation award, Japan Media Arts Festival '08, Linux
levelHead uses a hand-held solid-plastic cube as its only interface. On-screen it appears each face of the cube contains a little room, each of which are logically connected by doors. In one of these rooms is a character. By tilting the cube the player directs this character from room to room in an effort to find the exit.
Living Sasquatch (Carmichael Lynch, Jack Link's) 2009 desktop, shape recognition, marker, generative animation, single-user, flat small field of view, reacts to marker position, interactive non-linear narrative, any computer with webcam, ARtvertising, brand
You can choose from 35 different Sasquatch animations and add them to a timeline and record your interaction with the Sasquatch through an intuitive and easy to use drag and drop interface.
MagicBook Mark Billinghurst , Raphael Grasset , Julian Looser , Hartmut Seichter , Andreas Duenser (HITlabNZ) 2008 handheld glaces, shape recognition, marker, animation, multi-user, 360 large field of view, reactive to hand, marker position, linear narrative, on any surface, books, collaboration
The MagicBook explores seamless transition between reality and virtual reality. When users look at the pages of a real book through a hand held display they can see virtual content superimposed over the real pages. When they see an Augmented Reality (AR) scene they like, the user can fly into the scene and experience it as an immersive virutal environment. In addition the book serves as a focus for collaboration. When several users look at the same book page they can see the AR image from their own viewpoint and when one flys into the virtual model, the other users see her as a virtual character in the scene.
Pacer Tutors: Jouke Verlinden, Gerwin de Haan (TU Delft) 2010 Spacial Projection, Shape recognition, attributes and hands, generative animation, single-user, small field of view, reactive to attributes and hands, interactive, no narrative, on any suface, communication tool, engineering simulation, design
PACER is a tool currently under development at TU Delft Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering.
Physics Distorter Jan van Nuenen spacial projection, videomapping, globe, NIMK building, abstract generative animation, multi/single user, 180 large field of view, natural eye movement, user can influence projection with globe interface, non-linear graphics influenced by the public, anywhere, long setup, arduinio, processing, projection mapping, architecture
Real-time computer simulation of falling and colliding objects projected onto a building. The audience can control the direction of the gravity and some of the properties of the objects with a wireless globe. Custom hard and software made with processing and arduino.
Put a spell Ogmento (arballoon_ we ar) 2010 Smartphone, Shape recognition, graphic image, video, generative animation, single-user, small field of view, reactive to hand position, screen touch and images, interactive, no narrative, on any surface, children, education, informational, game, Iphone
Ogmento is hard at work reinventing reality. We are currently focused on developing mobile augmented reality games and applications for the iPhone. Put A Spell Features Dubi Panda a 3D hologram on your iPhone, Will challenge your child to spell, Grab real cards and drop in blank spaces, Recognizes and pronounces letters, Designed with literacy experts
Square Cube EXYZT, 1024, Etienne de Crecy 2007 Spacial Projection
SQUARE Cube is a 6_6m cubic scaffolding structure covered by nets, on which visual graphics are projected. The concept is deliberately uncomplicated: the physical cube is reinvented, renewed, endlessly modified by its projected 3d model. Minimal aesthetics, 8 bit world and anamorphous elements are the components of the show, created especially for Etienne de Crecy. Also designed for the show is the special interface synchronizing the visual graphics and the live music
The Amazing Cinemagician Helen Papagiannis 2009 spacial projection, graphic image recognition, paying cards, animation on fogscreen, multi-user, 360 large field of view, natural eye movement, non-linear narrative triggered by user, anywhere indoors, Georges Méliès, fog, spacial
The project “The Amazing Cinemagician” is based on a card-trick, using physical playing cards as an interface to interact with the FogScreen. RFID tags are hidden within each physical playing card. (Part of the magic and illusion of this project was to disguise the RFID tag as a normal object, out of the viewer’s sight.) Each of these tags corresponds to a short film clip by Méliès, which is projected on to the FogScreen once a selected card is placed atop the RFID tag reader.
The Artvertiser Julian Oliver 2009 handheld binoculars, phone, graphic image recognition, image, advertisement, video, still image, single-user, 180 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to hand position, linear narrative, still image, dependent on input content, anywhere where a specific advertisement is, Transmediale 10, Linux
The Artvertiser is an urban, hand-held Improved Reality project that re-purposes street advertisements as a surface for exhibiting art. The project was initiated by Julian Oliver in February 2008 and is being developed in collaboration with Clara Boj, Diego Diaz and Damian Stewart.
The Whisper Deck Craig Kapp 2009 headmounted display, marker recognition, marker, generative animation, single-user, 360 large field of view, reacts to head position, non-linear informational narrative defined by user, any suface, Flicker, Google, search, informational, voice
The Whisper Deck is a voice-controlled augmented reality data visualization tool that immerses users within a fluid information ecosystem of their own design. Using an off the shelf Vuzix CamAR head mounted display, users can look around their local environment. A special symbol visible in the environment causes the 3D interface of the Whisper Deck to appear. Users can speak commands to the model to cause it to search the Internet and return relevant information, including spoken definitions from Wikipedia, images from Picasa, Flickr and Google Images, as well as search term comparisions from Google Trends.
Virtual Cable Chris Grabowski, Tom Zamojdo (Making Virtual Solid) 2001 human-machine interface, GPRS data, navigation information, graphic animation, multi-user, large field of view, reacts to the car position, non-linear informational narrative, can be built in every vehicle, car navigation, informational
Virtual Cable is an augmented reality (AR) application for automotive navigation. The system presents a fully stereoscopic 3D wayfinding line visible right through the windshield; following the contours of the road, presenting the information as a natural part of the landscape.
Watershed Augmented Reality Mural Dan Cohen, Gabe Shaughnessy, Travis McCann 2009 Projection, videomapping, painting, animation and sound, multi-user, 180 large field of view, interactive live generated narrative, specific for that painting, mural, painting, installation
his is the documentation of an interactive art installation at Symbiosis Gathering 2009, held in Camp Mather, California, Adjacent to Yosemite National Park.The installation was a mural that participants used a custom built midi controller. The mural uses augmented reality, a technique where digital information is projected onto a real world surface, in this case a painting. The painting is colored with projected light, and using photoshop, vdmx ad particle illusion software, the mural becomes interactive.
In this installation, two or more persons are able to interchange their faces in real time by looking to themselves in a mirrror like videoprojection.
? Students: Fred Henny, Luuk Langenhoff, Tom Schakelaar, Thomas Van Oekelen, Bram van Zeijl
It is intended to help groups of designers review their designs by augmenting a physical prototype with a projection of it's 3D CAD model. This CAD model can be manipulated through interaction with the physical model and the PACER interface.