AR+RFID Lab at the Kröller-Müller Museum
Yolande Kolstee, Wim van Eck, Melissa Coleman, Pawel Pokutycki
2009 |
headmounted, graphic image recognition, marker logo's, still, single-user, 360 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to head position, laptop on wheels, still, space-specific, sculpture, garden, Kröller-Müller Museum
Augmented Reality Theater
Jurjen Caarls, Wim van Eck, Pawel Pokutycki, Marina de Haas
2007 |
headmounted, graphic image recognition, data glove, marker logo's, animation, single-user, 360 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to head position, narrative triggered by data glove, on any surface, puppet, theater, UnDeaf, V2_
Jan Torpus, Roderick Galantay, Bennet Uk
(Swiss National Science Foundation, plug.in, iart) |
2007 |
headmounted display, tracking sensors, videofeed, animation, single-user, 360 large field of view, reactive to head position, interactive non-linear narrative, anywhere indoors, long setup, science-fiction, design, decoration
Out of the Blue
Marina de Haas, Wim van Eck and Alwin de Rooij
2007 |
headmounted, graphic image recognition, marker logo's, animation, sound, single-user, 360 choice of perspective, large field of view, reactive to head position, looped linear narrative, anywhere indoors, Today's art, balls
The Whisper Deck
Craig Kapp
2009 |
headmounted display, marker recognition, marker, generative animation, single-user, 360 large field of view, reacts to head position, non-linear informational narrative defined by user, any suface, Flicker, Google, search, informational, voice