AR Particle Beam
James Alliban
2009 |
desktop, graphic image recognition, marker logo, animation, single-user, small field of view, reactive to marker position, linear narrative starts with marker recognition, in front of any computer with webcam, Papervision3D, particles
AR Scratching
Todd Vanderlin
2009 |
shape recognition, image recognition, marker, sound and image, single-user, 180 small field of view, reactive to marker position, generative non-linear narrative, used on any desktop computer with webcam, music, vinyl, openframeworks
AR Slotmachine
(Total Immersion, Nike) |
2008 |
desktop, graphic shape recognition, marker logo's, generative animation, single user, small field of view, reactive to marker position, linear slot machine game, in front of any computer with webcam, ARvertising, slot-machine, game, gamble, nike, prizes
Doritos sweet chilly
(Cubocc) |
2009 |
desktop, shape recognition, marker, animation, single-user, flat small field of view, reacts to marker position, linear narrative, any computer with webcam, ARtvertising, packaging
Expression of Joy
(Inition, Dare) |
2009 |
desktop, shape recognition, marker, generative animation, single-user, flat small field of view, reacts to marker position, no narrative, any computer with webcam, ARtvertising, car, bmw, customize
Horizon Zero AR Bridge
Anita Fontaine, Geoff Lillemon, Aaron Meyers
(Champagne Valentine) |
2010 |
desktop, graphic image recognition, marker logo's, generative animation, sound, single-user, small field of view, reactive to marker position, generative, non-linear narrative, in front of any computer with webcam, code1, oscillator, DIY
Its my time
(Benetton Group) |
2010 |
Desktop, shape recognition, marker, Video, videofeed, single-user, small field of view, reactive to marker position, linear narrative, any desktop, ARvertizement, fashion, casting, competition
James Alliban
2010 |
desktop, image recognition, markers, generated stills, single-user, small field of view, reactive to marker position, informational, no narrative, in front of any computer with webcam, informational, learning, school, quiz
Living Sasquatch
(Carmichael Lynch, Jack Link's) |
2009 |
desktop, shape recognition, marker, generative animation, single-user, flat small field of view, reacts to marker position, interactive non-linear narrative, any computer with webcam, ARtvertising, brand
Mark Billinghurst , Raphael Grasset , Julian Looser , Hartmut Seichter , Andreas Duenser
(HITlabNZ) |
2008 |
handheld glaces, shape recognition, marker, animation, multi-user, 360 large field of view, reactive to hand, marker position, linear narrative, on any surface, books, collaboration
Museum AR Kiosk
(Total Immersion, Exhibit Engineering) |
2008 |
desktop, graphic image recognition, marker, still, single user, small field of view, reactive to marker position, non-linear, informational, anywhere indoors, anatomy, human body
Geoffrey Alan Rhodes
2009 |
desktop, shape recognition, markers, video, multi-user, 180 large field of view, reacts to marker position, no narrative, used on any desktop computer with webcam, SnapDragonAR, MaxMsp, ISEA, RIT
Ride my Star
(Devilfish, Blacionica, Zerofractal) |
2009 |
desktop, shape recognition, marker, animation, single-user, flat small field of view, reacts to marker position, linear narrative, any computer with webcam, Videoclip, music video
Sgraffito in 3D
Joachim Rotteveel
2008 |
desktop, graphic image recognition, marker logo's, still, multi-user, small field of view, reactive to marker position, still, in front of any computer with camera, museum, informative, educational, history