Body Paint
Mehmet Akten
2009 |
spacial projection, motion tracking, bodies, generative animation, multi-user, large field of view, human live performance, interaction with public, live, generative, non-linear narrative, any stage, live, dance, motion tracking, real-time
Martin Zeplichal
2005 |
projection, videomapping, architecture, reactive animation, multi-user, 180 large field of view, no narrative, anywhere indoors, long setup, projectionmapping, audio reactive, energy, edges
N Building
2009 |
handheld display, phone, graphic image recognition, marker facade, twitter feed, animation, multi-user, 180 small field of view, reactive to hand position, non-linear real-time metadata, space-specific, informational, see trough, building, twitter
Nikita Tsymbal, Anna Abalikhina, Sergei Komarov, Maria Smirnova
(Asymmetrique Answer performance group) |
2009 |
spacial projection, motion tracking, body dancer, generative animation, multi-user, large field of view, human live performance, live, generative, non-linear narrative, any stage, live, dance, motion tracking, real-time
Physics Distorter
Jan van Nuenen
spacial projection, videomapping, globe, NIMK building, abstract generative animation, multi/single user, 180 large field of view, natural eye movement, user can influence projection with globe interface, non-linear graphics influenced by the public, anywhere, long setup, arduinio, processing, projection mapping, architecture
Halvor Høgset
2009 |
handheld display, shape recognition, markers, videofeed, animation and sound, multi-user, 360 small field of view, reacts to hands position, linear narrative, anywhere indoors, long setup, XGA, Galleri ROM