Ar Magic System
Martín Nadal, Damien Stewart, Javier Lloret, Blanca Rego, Julio Lucio y Jordi Puig
(Lalalab) |
2007 |
big screen, face recognition, video, video, multi-user, 180 large field of view, no narrative, anywhere, Medialab Prado, Openframework, face
Art of Defense
Augmented Environments Lab
(Georgia Institute of Technology) |
2009 |
Smartphone, shape recognition, tilt sensor, graphic playing board, generative animation, multi-user, 360 small field of view, reactive to hand position, interactive linear narrative, on any suface, game, novel, phone
Augmented Reality
Sorin Volcu
(Spienza Universita di Roma) |
2008 |
output free video, video edit, library, mixed-media video, multi-user, to watch on a screen, linear narrative, watchable anywhere, concept video, research, science-fiction
Augmented Shadow
Joon Moon
2010 |
Table screen, shape recognition, markers, generative animation, multi-user, 180 large field of view, interactive non-linear narrative, anywhere, shadows, openframeworks, ISMAR, table
Coraline Interactive Store Front
(Total Immersion, Inwindow Outdoor) |
2008 |
screen, shape recognition, video, still, multi-user, small field of view, reactive to head position, non-linear, any shopping window, ARvertising, movie, hologram, shopping window
Michael Naimark
2005 |
spacial projection, filmed video-mapping, white room, people, video, multi/single user, small field of view, linear narrative, specific for that white room, projection mapping, installation
Domestic Robocop
Keiichi Matsuda
2010 |
output free video, video edit, kitchen, mixed-media video, multi-user, to watch on a screen, linear narrative, watchable anywhere, concept video, research, science-fiction
Eye pet
Nicolas Doucet
(playstation) |
2009 |
tv screen, motion detection, user, generative animation, multi-user, flat small field of view, non-linear interactive narrative, any tv with playstation, playstation3, game, kids
Golden Calf
Jeffrey Shaw
1994 |
handheld display, Tilt sensors, pedestal, still, single-user, 360 small field of view reacts to hand position, no narrative, space-specific, reflections of the venue, calf, window, reflections, shiny
Grazing Jellies
Neil Mendonza, Hudson-Powell
(Abandon Normal Devices festival) |
2010 |
desktop screen, 3D mapping, forrest, generative animation, multi-user, 180 small field of view, reacts to body movement and sound, generative non-liear narrative, space specific, nature, forrest
Hand From Above
Chris O’Shea
(Abandon Normal Devices, Liverpool City Council, BBC) |
2009 |
moving billboard, video tracking, people on the square, video and animation, multi-user, large field of view, reacts on human presence, non-linear narrative, any square, Leicester Comedy Festival
Julian Oliver
2008 |
desktop, graphic image recognition, markers, generative video, single-user, small field of view, reactive to object position, memory game, conscious choice about narrative, in front of any computer with webcam, Laval Virtual 09, Prix Ars Electronica '08, Technical Innovation award, Japan Media Arts Festival '08, Linux
Geoffrey Alan Rhodes
2009 |
desktop, shape recognition, markers, video, multi-user, 180 large field of view, reacts to marker position, no narrative, used on any desktop computer with webcam, SnapDragonAR, MaxMsp, ISEA, RIT
Put a spell
(arballoon_ we ar) |
2010 |
Smartphone, Shape recognition, graphic image, video, generative animation, single-user, small field of view, reactive to hand position, screen touch and images, interactive, no narrative, on any surface, children, education, informational, game, Iphone
Tag und Nacht
Till Botterweck, Nagehan Kurali
(Urbanscreen) |
2009 |
spacial projection, videomapping, Schürstabhaus, animation, sound, multi-user, large field of view, linear narrative, space-specific, projection mapping, performence, video
The Amazing Cinemagician
Helen Papagiannis
2009 |
spacial projection, graphic image recognition, paying cards, animation on fogscreen, multi-user, 360 large field of view, natural eye movement, non-linear narrative triggered by user, anywhere indoors, Georges Méliès, fog, spacial
The Haunted Book
Camille Scherrer
(EPFL CVLab) |
2009 |
desktop, graphic image recognition, graphic images, animation, multi/single user, small field of view, reactive to object position, linear narrative, user can turn the page and start animation, in front of any computer with webcam, poetry, book, student work, markerless
The Robotics Lab
Georg Klein
(University of Oxford) |
2009 |
handheld screen, envoirenment mapping, video, still image, semi multi-user due to large screen, 360 choice of perspective, small field of view, reactive to hand position, still, after mapping, space-specific, robots, science fiction, science
Georg Klein
(University of Oxford) |
2009 |
handheld screen, envoirenment mapping, video, still image, semi multi-user due to large screen, 360 choice of perspective, small field of view, reactive to hand position, still, informational about the physical object, after mapping, space-specific, natural museum oxford, museum, education, informational
Sarah Kenderdine, Jeffrey Shaw
(Museum Victoria, UNSW iCinema Centre, EPIDEMIC.) |
2008 |
round screen, infrared light, the viewers, filmed and virtual imagery, multi-user, 180 large field of view, no narrative, anywhere, long set up, torch, flash-light
Why Cinema Now
Thorsten Bauer
(Urbanscreen) |
2009 |
spacial projection, videomapping, picturehouse Olympion, animation, sound, multi-user, large field of view, linear narrative, space-specific, projection mapping, International Film Festival, facade