Gisèle Trudel, Stéphane Claude
1996 |
crew, artists, new media, electronic medium, lab, publications, performance, essays, technology, ecology, installation, science, art, video
Andy Goldsworthy Digital Catalogue
Andy Goldsworthy
sculpture, photography, nature, artist, environment, inspiration, land art, urban, art
Bacterial radio
Joe Davis
2012 |
environment, pollution, radio, cells, genes, electric circuits, bacteria, art, biocircuits, golden nica price
BBa_K221000: First volume of teenage gene poems
Yashas Shetty,Mukund Thattai
(ArtScienceBangalore) |
2011 |
dna, genes, biotechnology, bacteria, genetics, narrtive, synthetic biology, diy, lab, genetic engineering, artwork, rain
Biomodd Maribor
Diego Maranan
2010 |
technology, ecology, workshop, art, computers, recycling, plants, algae, new media
Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau Web Page
Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau
1992-2010 |
research, ecology, artificial life, human-machine interaction, video, 3D, language, society, nature, real-time interactive systems, web page, environment, self-organization, interactive, art, artists, genetics, biology, complexity, interaction, education, interface
Christien Meindertsma Web Page
Christien Meindertsma
portfolio, artist, inspiration, product, books, knitting, raw materials, life of products, industry, global world, art, design
Cinema For Primates
Rachel Mayeri
2011 |
cinema, primates, science, psicology, artwork, animals, tests, project, zoo, biology, zoology
Earth: Art of a changing world
Several Authors
(Royal Academy of Arts) |
2009 |
environment, installation, artists, climate change, exhibition, art
Incubator Art Lab
Jennifer Willet et al.
(School of Visual Arts, The University of Windsor) |
2009 |
lab, science, art, ecology, innovative production, performance, biotechnology, technology of the body, community, complexity
Jae Rhim Lee Web
Jae Rhim Lee
environment, wearables, diy, design, artist, multi-disciplinary, public art, intervention, death, recycling
Marko Peljhan
1994 |
autonomy, science, urban, architecture, media, artists, environment, network, new media, net art, mobile art
MOON GOOSE ANALOGUE: Lunar Migration Bird Facility
Agnes Meyer-Brandis
2012 |
space, habitat, geese, scientific data, moon, migration, humans
My Forest Farm
Dirk Fleischmann
2008 |
reforestatio, .plants, enironment, images, experiment, research, art, carbon, video, farm, exhibition
Perdita Phillips Web
Perdita Phillips
termites, landscapes, minerals, biology, art-science, drawing, photography, sculpture, soun d, environment, media installation, artist
Several Authors
(SKOR ) |
2009 |
art, photography, society, politics, urban, ecology, intervention, port, performance, video, interdisciplinary
Radical - Nature Art and Architecture for a Changing Planet 1969–2009
Several Authors
(Barbican) |
2009 |
city, planet, urbanism, climate change, ecology, exhibition, artists, environment, design, architecture, nature, art
Recycle-X / Plantas Parlantes
Gilberto Esparza, Javier Busturia, Jigni Wang, Ricardo Nascimento , Jelle Dekker
2010 |
environment, technology, education, energy, interaction, food, gardening, electronic medium, sculpture, ecology, water, installation
RSA Arts and Ecology Centre
Michaela Crimmin et al.
(RSA) |
2005 |
centre, ecology, arts, organisation, artists, environment, climate change, human impact, interdisciplinary, progess
Surface Tension
Several Authors
(Science Gallery) |
2011 |
water, future, artists, exhibition, natural resources, sustainability, environment, science, engineering, politics
Several Authors
(The University of Western Australia) |
research, bio art, biology, biotechnology, design, education, laboratory, science, art
The Body is a Big Place
Peta Clancy,Helen Pynor
2012 |
transplantation, death, biology, bio-art, installation, sculpture, heart, organs, live
The Tissue Culture and Art Project
Ionat Zurr
2004 |
art, tissues, organisms, cells, biotechnology, life, biology, future scenarios, ethics, environment, science, sustainability, wearable technology
The World in a Shell - the polliniferous project
Hans Kalliwoda
2010 |
research, renewable energy, architecture, urban, community, sustainability, installation, autonomy, indigenous, green-design, pollution, environmentart
Tropospheric Laboratory
Agnes Meyer-Brandis
2011 |
clouds, lab, science, environment, art, space, sky, laser
X Clinic - the environmental health clinic + lab
Nat Jeremijenko
(NYU) |
2007 |
art, lab, activism, environment, artist, research, sustainability, science, technology, clinic, design