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AElab Gisèle Trudel, Stéphane Claude 1996 crew, artists, new media, electronic medium, lab, publications, performance, essays, technology, ecology, installation, science, art, video
In the summer of 1996, Æ was initiated as an artistic research unit based on a philosophical exchange between artists Gisèle Trudel and Stéphane Claude, with the regular participation of other collaborators. Through a more anonymous framework, Æ cristallizes their interest for an ecological awareness in the use of technology, as echoed in the arts, science and shamanic traditions. Æ prepares audiovisual essays, electronic performances, databases, in-situ installations, publications, psycho-geographic walks, audio recordings to be listened in the dark... Æ is striving to reintroduce a certain figuration of the mineral/vegetal/animal world into the electronic medium, as a concrete and enlarged view of the human condition, with the objective of breaking down a generally anthropocentric societal view.
BuyProduct Nitipak Samsen 2009 architecture, design, trees, environment, Dot Samsen, visualization, product, global warming, CO2, project
Carbon credit brings the ‘convenience’ back to the ‘inconvenient truth’. Global warming has been driven by capitalism, now we are trying to solve global warming through capitalism. Is this possible? Should we save the planet for the planet’s sake or for money? From an ecological perspective, CO2 is a byproduct of the living, either directly or indirectly. From the economic perspective, CO2 may become the world's largest commodity market. What do we consider the price of our own byproducts? This project aims to criticise the carbon trading system as well as raise awareness of how good we are at destroying the planet. One problem is how to show the intangible amount of CO2. BreathSink is one simple way of visualization carbon footprint. BreathSink is dry timber which has same CO2 as 1 day of breathing. However, in term of design, what is the function of this BreathSink?
Reveal-it! Nina Valkanova et al. 2011 visualization, energy, urban, data, community, intervention, design, interaction, sustainability, awareness
On-going research project. The project “Reveal-it!” envisions the idea of revealing on-site data about the citizens’ consumption processes and its interrelations with energy-related infrastructures publicly in urban communities. It proposes a participatory intervention for interactively discovering and visualizing this data via public projection on urban surfaces. Images of real-world deployments and design process can be seen in our Flickr set.
The Body is a Big Place Peta Clancy,Helen Pynor 2012 transplantation, death, biology, bio-art, installation, sculpture, heart, organs, live
‘The Body is a Big Place’ explores organ transplantation and the ambiguous thresholds between life and death, revealing the process of death as an extended durational moment, rather than an event that occurs in a single moment in time. This bio-art work is a large-scale immersive installation comprising a 5-channel video projection, a fully functioning bio-sculptural heart perfusion system, an undulating aqueous soundscape, and a single channel video work. ‘The Body is a Big Place’ re-enacted certain defining aspects of the human heart transplant process. The heart perfusion device was used to reanimate to a beating state a pair of fresh pig hearts in 2 performances staged during the exhibition. Rather than sensationalising these performative events, the artists sought to encourage empathic responses from viewers, activating the bodies of viewers by appealing to their somatic senses and fostering their identification with the hearts they were watching. This opened up the possibility of a deeper awareness and connection with viewers’ own interiors.