Acoustic Mirror_Moss
David de Buyser
(V2_) |
2009 |
biotechnology, irrigation, urban, flora, renewable energy, autonomy, open source, guerrilla gardening, community, installation, garden, biology, technology
BBa_K221000: First volume of teenage gene poems
Yashas Shetty,Mukund Thattai
(ArtScienceBangalore) |
2011 |
dna, genes, biotechnology, bacteria, genetics, narrtive, synthetic biology, diy, lab, genetic engineering, artwork, rain
Angelo Vermeulen et al.
(The Aesthetic Technologies Lab) |
2007 |
sustainability, hacker space, collaboration, open source, computer systems, ecosystem, nature, technology, science, biology, bioart, ecology, art
Capacity for (urban eden, human error)
Allison Kudlla
2010 |
architecture, biology, seeds.moss, art, patterns, plotting, urban, cells, growth, organismscomplexity, emergence, computers
Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau Web Page
Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau
1992-2010 |
research, ecology, artificial life, human-machine interaction, video, 3D, language, society, nature, real-time interactive systems, web page, environment, self-organization, interactive, art, artists, genetics, biology, complexity, interaction, education, interface
Cinema For Primates
Rachel Mayeri
2011 |
cinema, primates, science, psicology, artwork, animals, tests, project, zoo, biology, zoology
CyberGarden v4
AltN Research+Design
(EcoLogicStudio) |
2011 |
antibiotics, digital, model, robotics, ecosystem, environment, bacteria, gardening, sensors, electronic medium, biology, information, project
(blablabLAB) |
2011 |
arduino, biology, bioreactor, chemistry, diy, electronics, fluids, molecular, gastronomy, pH, science, spectrophotometer, spirulina
Insect Robots
Leonel Moura
2008 |
robotics, biology, aestethics, mechanics, sound, environment, insects, ai
Jurema Action Plant
Bert van DuijnIvan Henriques
(V2_) |
2011 |
biology, environment, biodiversity, interaction, environmentalism, prototype, plant, robot
Natural Resilience
Catherine Verpoort
(Textile Futures) |
2012 |
project, design, resilience, biology, textiles, materials
Perdita Phillips Web
Perdita Phillips
termites, landscapes, minerals, biology, art-science, drawing, photography, sculpture, soun d, environment, media installation, artist
Pigeon d'Or
Tuur Van Balen
2011 |
metabolism, city, urban, pigeons, biotechnology, environment, synthetic biology, bacteria, aestethics, design biology
Searching for the Ubiquitous Genetically Engineered Machine
Yashas Shetty,Mukund Thattai
(ArtScienceBangalore) |
2012 |
biology, life, living parts, soil, environment, synthetic biology, engineered products, ecology, lab, biotechnology
Super Kingdom : Monarchy
Jo Joelson,Bruce Gilchrist,Dugal McKinnon
(London Fieldworks) |
2010 |
biology, animals, architecture, environment, territory, displacement, urban, growth, conservation, population
Several Authors
(The University of Western Australia) |
research, bio art, biology, biotechnology, design, education, laboratory, science, art
Several Authors
(V2_) |
1997 |
book, essays, design, phylosophy, semiotics, intelligence, life, parasites, cyborg, science, evolution, biology, technology
The Body is a Big Place
Peta Clancy,Helen Pynor
2012 |
transplantation, death, biology, bio-art, installation, sculpture, heart, organs, live
The Enteric Consciousness
Ken Rinaldo
2010 |
technology, design, interactive, visualization, installation, robots, biology, organisms, culture, robotics, art
The Great Work of the Metal Lover
Adam Brown
2012 |
alchemi, science, art, transmutation, biology, microbiology, bacterium, bioreactor, life, chemistry, gold, electron microscopy
The Tissue Culture and Art Project
Ionat Zurr
2004 |
art, tissues, organisms, cells, biotechnology, life, biology, future scenarios, ethics, environment, science, sustainability, wearable technology
X Clinic - the environmental health clinic + lab
Nat Jeremijenko
(NYU) |
2007 |
art, lab, activism, environment, artist, research, sustainability, science, technology, clinic, design