Acoustic Mirror_Moss
David de Buyser
(V2_) |
2009 |
biotechnology, irrigation, urban, flora, renewable energy, autonomy, open source, guerrilla gardening, community, installation, garden, biology, technology
BBa_K221000: First volume of teenage gene poems
Yashas Shetty,Mukund Thattai
(ArtScienceBangalore) |
2011 |
dna, genes, biotechnology, bacteria, genetics, narrtive, synthetic biology, diy, lab, genetic engineering, artwork, rain
Incubator Art Lab
Jennifer Willet et al.
(School of Visual Arts, The University of Windsor) |
2009 |
lab, science, art, ecology, innovative production, performance, biotechnology, technology of the body, community, complexity
May the Horse Live in me
Marion Laval-Jeantet,Benoît Mangin
(Art Orienté Objet ) |
2011 |
bioart, tissues, hybrids, humans, animals, plasma, biotechnology, blood, horse, golden nica price
Pigeon d'Or
Tuur Van Balen
2011 |
metabolism, city, urban, pigeons, biotechnology, environment, synthetic biology, bacteria, aestethics, design biology
Searching for the Ubiquitous Genetically Engineered Machine
Yashas Shetty,Mukund Thattai
(ArtScienceBangalore) |
2012 |
biology, life, living parts, soil, environment, synthetic biology, engineered products, ecology, lab, biotechnology
Several Authors
(The University of Western Australia) |
research, bio art, biology, biotechnology, design, education, laboratory, science, art
The Tissue Culture and Art Project
Ionat Zurr
2004 |
art, tissues, organisms, cells, biotechnology, life, biology, future scenarios, ethics, environment, science, sustainability, wearable technology