Results 1 - 17 of 17
Project Persons Year Tags
Acoustic Mirror_Moss David de Buyser (V2_) 2009 biotechnology, irrigation, urban, flora, renewable energy, autonomy, open source, guerrilla gardening, community, installation, garden, biology, technology
David de Buyser's project Acoustic Mirror_Moss, subsidized by the Flemish Community, brings technology and biology together in several ways. First, the project’s longterm goal is an installation that uses vertical moss carpets for the projection of computer-generated images. The cultivation phase, however, features several subprojects that also forge interesting relationships between technology and biology. For instance, David recently developed a MAX/MSP-driven irrigation system to provide a constant supply of water to the moss in the installation at the Visual Arts Academy in Anderlecht.
Bus Roots Marco Castro 2012 transportation, plants, education, habitat, CO2, water, thermal, acoustics, health, urban, environment, migration patterns
WHAT IS BUS ROOTS? Reconnecting urban communities with nature in a practical and playful way. Bus roots is a public and playful project that uses plants as a creative medium. It connects the citizens with their community while trying to use the least amount of resources and improving the quality of the environment around it.
Extreme Green Guerrillas Michiko Nitta 2007 green guerrilla, migration systems, communication, food, euthanasia, community
We are forced to face the reality on a daily basis that environmental damage is more advanced than experts predicted. As global warming becomes the top of almost every government's agenda, recent trends have put pressure on world leaders to act immediately: for instance, forced recycling, carbon offsetting and a 10-year campaign to make environmentally friendly living fashionable. Are these efforts really improving the environment? are these activities saving the earth? what is eco-friendly living? when we live in a period where the worlds climate disaster is about to happen, how can we live the ultimate green lifestyle? The project takes current green trends to the extreme by proposing a community of people called "Extreme Green Guerrillas". This project fell into three design proposals, which explore their lifestyles and systems they use to enjoy their lives: Communication, Feast and Death.
Flock House Project Several Authors 2011 project, migration, self-suficience, urban, architecture, habitats, resilience, houses, energy, agriculture, community, politics, autonomous, natural resources, economics, new paradigm, ecosystem, open culture
The Flock House Project is a group of self-contained ecosystems migrating around New York City's five boroughs. What if mobile, self-sufficient living units were the building blocks for future cities? By reflecting the future of urban space and building off of what is already there, Flock House is a group of migratory, public, sculptural habitats that are movable and modular with the ability to merge. In a time when growing urban populations are faced with environmental, political, and economic instability, and when dislocation and relocation is important to consider and reconcile, Flock Houses are choreographed throughout urban centers in the United States and three planes of living (subterranean, ground, and sky).
Hydra Milos Vlastic, Vuk Djordjevic, Ana Lazovic, Milica Stankovic 2011 skyscraper, architecture, hydrogen, energy, power plant, intelligent building, sustainability, electrolisis, clean water, project
Hydra is a skyscraper that investigates the possibility of creating a power plant that uses hydrogen as source of energy. The international community recognizes hydrogen as a key component of sustainable energy system for the transportation, industrial, residential, and commercial sectors. The power is produced through electrolysis and could be stored in batteries and transported by truck, pipes or cables. Another interesting part is that the by-product of the process is clean water.
Hydramax (FUTURE CITIES LAB) 2012 garden, architecture, buildings, landscape, infrastructure, machine, sensors, robotics, air, solar energy, intelligent buildings, community, water parks, sea, water, urban
Future Cities Lab’s HYDRAMAX Port Machines project proposes a radical rethinking of San Francisco’s urban waterfront post sea-level rise. The proposal renders the existing hard edges of the waterfront as new “soft systems” that would include aquatic parks, community gardens, wildlife refuges and aquaponic farms. A synthetic architecture is introduced that blurs the distinction between building, landscape, infrastructure and machine. Using thousands of sensors and motorized components, the massive urban scale robotic structure harvests rainwater and fog, while modulating air flow, solar exposure and intelligent building systems.
Incubator Art Lab Jennifer Willet et al. (School of Visual Arts, The University of Windsor) 2009 lab, science, art, ecology, innovative production, performance, biotechnology, technology of the body, community, complexity
NCUBATOR Hybrid Laboratory at the Intersection of Art, Science and Ecology is a physical and theoretical hub, a new art/science laboratory at The University of Windsor. Founded in 2009 it functions both as an apparatus in which environmental conditions can be controlled towards the assisted proliferation of life, but also as a site that supports the proliferation of new ideas – new artistic practices. Physically and metaphorically INCUBATOR serves as site for innovative productive and performative imaginings of biotechnology as a technology of the body – a complex ecology – that implicates each of us intellectually and biologically in the continued propagation of the life sciences.
Kibilight Project Several Authors (solafrica org) electricity, diy, fair-trade, solar energy, solar lamp, community, environment
The objective of this project was to train young people living in Kibera slum (Kenya) to assemble portable solar lamps and then test them for daily uses with the intention of starting a small production centre if the pilot phase is a success. The solar lamps will then be produced by these trained young solar technicians and first sold to the local market. A part of the production will be exported to Switzerland and sold as fair-trade. Pre-fabricated lamps will be used as solar energy learning sets in schools and workshops in Switzerland. The youths were also trained to install solar home systems.
Legacy Foundation Several Authors community, media, technology, development, sustainability, conservation, environment, briquette production, biomass fuel, eco fuel, management, ong, technical training
Legacy Foundation provides training, technology and media services for biomass fuel briquette production, environmental conservation and income generation throughout the world. The Mission of the Legacy Foundation is to promote sustainable human development and preserve our environment through the integration of technology innovation, media, and management. The Legacy Foundation has ongoing partnerships with individuals, groups and institutions in over 30 nations world wide.
Nanodrizas Arcángel Constantini (Fundacion Telefonica) multimedia, art, environment, technology, wireless, water, acoustics, data, visualization, pollutants, community
Nanodrizas es un ejemplo de una forma emergente de arte multimedia comprometido con el medio ambiente, algo que quizás podríamos denominar “ecotecnología táctica”. Nanodrizas propone una solución a los problemas medioambientales locales concretos mediante dispositivos conectados de forma inalámbrica. En este caso, se trata de dispositivos flotantes que recogen y envían datos sobre la contaminación del agua y responden a las condiciones con intervenciones químicas y expresiones en acústicas.
Natural Fuse Husman Haque 2009 game theory, community, architecture, technology, diy design, CO2, environment, energy, electricity, plants, research, design
"Natural fuse" is a micro-scale carbon dioxide overload protection framework that works locally and globally, harnessing the carbon-sinking capabilities of plants. Generating electricity to power the electronic products that populate our lives has consequences on the amount of carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere, which in turn has detrimental environmental effects. The carbon footprint of the power used to run these devices can be offset by the natural carbon-capturing processes that occur as plants absorb carbon dioxide and grow. "Natural Fuse" units take advantage of this phenomena. They are now distributed in households in London, New York and San Sebastian.
Perceptual Ecologies Several Authors (Electrotexture Lab) 2010 human behaviour, ecology, environmnets, community, living relations, spatial dependencies
Perceptual Ecologies is a study of human behavior in interdependent environments. Can space mobilize group behavior that goes beyond the border of friendship or family. The installation couple two concepts: The one of immediate sensory experience and the one of “living relations” and spatial dependencies
Plantas Nomadas Gilberto Esparza et al. 2010 ecology, interaction, plants, environment, robotics, organisms, community, humans
La planta nómada nace de una reflexión acerca de los entornos modificados por la actividad humana y sus consecuencias sociales y ambientales. Estos cambios abruptos, impactan en la vida de organismos que tienen que adaptarse o desaparecer.
Reveal-it! Nina Valkanova et al. 2011 visualization, energy, urban, data, community, intervention, design, interaction, sustainability, awareness
On-going research project. The project “Reveal-it!” envisions the idea of revealing on-site data about the citizens’ consumption processes and its interrelations with energy-related infrastructures publicly in urban communities. It proposes a participatory intervention for interactively discovering and visualizing this data via public projection on urban surfaces. Images of real-world deployments and design process can be seen in our Flickr set.
Super Kingdom : Monarchy Jo Joelson,Bruce Gilchrist,Dugal McKinnon (London Fieldworks) 2010 biology, animals, architecture, environment, territory, displacement, urban, growth, conservation, population
SUPER KINGDOM can be viewed as a social engineering experiment for animals - a new community in the making referencing despot's palaces, gated community developments such as Alphaville in Brazil and the fortified exclusivity afforded to the wealthy and super-rich - all designed to keep urban reality at bay. CONTEXT Super Kingdom is a reference to both the utopian imaginary and biological taxonomic hierarchy and is a sculptural installation of animal 'show homes' in a woodland environment, based on the architecture of despot's palaces. It reflects both human and animal hierarchy as territorial relationship to landscape; is informed by changing habitat, the displacement of animals as a consequence of urban development and conservationist strategy, and global concerns about fluid populations and porous borders.
The Guerrilla Gardening Richard Reynolds 2004 guerrilla gardening, fun, urban, community, blog, garden, green, sustainability, activism, environmentgardening encourages gardening without boundaries and seeks to provide inspiration through an exchange of ideas and experiences from guerrilla gardeners around the world and those seeking to become one. Whether you're making a place more beautiful, more edible, more fragrant, more bio diverse, more friendly, more thought provoking or all of that what we have in common is gardening without boundaries.
The World in a Shell - the polliniferous project Hans Kalliwoda 2010 research, renewable energy, architecture, urban, community, sustainability, installation, autonomy, indigenous, green-design, pollution, environmentart
The World in a Shell, an ambitious work in progress by artist Hans Kalliwoda, brings together themes including art and science, communities and cultural heritage. The World in a Shell is a high-tech, self-sufficient container that functions as a mobile laboratory and living unit. The container can be folded out into a large shell-shaped construction in which exhibitions, presentations and workshops can be held. In collaboration with Delft University of Technology, Kalliwoda and his team have equipped the container with the very latest sustainable technologies. Solar energy, water recycling, and communication facilities ensure the container can function autonomously in every possible environment. The project is a model of sustainability and spreads the message that the most advanced technologies can be used without harming the environment or disturbing a community's way of life.