Acoustic Mirror_Moss
David de Buyser
(V2_) |
2009 |
biotechnology, irrigation, urban, flora, renewable energy, autonomy, open source, guerrilla gardening, community, installation, garden, biology, technology
CyberGarden v4
AltN Research+Design
(EcoLogicStudio) |
2011 |
antibiotics, digital, model, robotics, ecosystem, environment, bacteria, gardening, sensors, electronic medium, biology, information, project
Earth: Art of a changing world
Several Authors
(Royal Academy of Arts) |
2009 |
environment, installation, artists, climate change, exhibition, art
2012 |
garden, architecture, buildings, landscape, infrastructure, machine, sensors, robotics, air, solar energy, intelligent buildings, community, water parks, sea, water, urban
Recycle-X / Plantas Parlantes
Gilberto Esparza, Javier Busturia, Jigni Wang, Ricardo Nascimento , Jelle Dekker
2010 |
environment, technology, education, energy, interaction, food, gardening, electronic medium, sculpture, ecology, water, installation
Spore 1.1
Douglas Easterly,Matt Kenyon
2004 |
computer systems, database, controller, reactive environment, ecological interaction, physical computing, responsive environment, gardening, water, plant, trees, sustainability, ecosystem
The Guerrilla Gardening
Richard Reynolds
2004 |
guerrilla gardening, fun, urban, community, blog, garden, green, sustainability, activism, environmentgardening