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Project Persons Year Tags
Acoustic Mirror_Moss David de Buyser (V2_) 2009 biotechnology, irrigation, urban, flora, renewable energy, autonomy, open source, guerrilla gardening, community, installation, garden, biology, technology
David de Buyser's project Acoustic Mirror_Moss, subsidized by the Flemish Community, brings technology and biology together in several ways. First, the project’s longterm goal is an installation that uses vertical moss carpets for the projection of computer-generated images. The cultivation phase, however, features several subprojects that also forge interesting relationships between technology and biology. For instance, David recently developed a MAX/MSP-driven irrigation system to provide a constant supply of water to the moss in the installation at the Visual Arts Academy in Anderlecht.
The Guerrilla Gardening Richard Reynolds 2004 guerrilla gardening, fun, urban, community, blog, garden, green, sustainability, activism, environmentgardening encourages gardening without boundaries and seeks to provide inspiration through an exchange of ideas and experiences from guerrilla gardeners around the world and those seeking to become one. Whether you're making a place more beautiful, more edible, more fragrant, more bio diverse, more friendly, more thought provoking or all of that what we have in common is gardening without boundaries.