Analogue Interaction
(EcoLogicStudio) |
2010 |
biosphere, visualitzation, natural resources, architecture, landscapes, politics, society, environment, energy, data, Venice Biennale
Andy Goldsworthy Digital Catalogue
Andy Goldsworthy
sculpture, photography, nature, artist, environment, inspiration, land art, urban, art
Annamaria Weldon Web
Annamaria Weldon
education, landscapes, workshops, photography, poetry, tradittion, writing, nature
Angelo Vermeulen et al.
(The Aesthetic Technologies Lab) |
2007 |
sustainability, hacker space, collaboration, open source, computer systems, ecosystem, nature, technology, science, biology, bioart, ecology, art
(blablabLAB) |
2011 |
arduino, biology, bioreactor, chemistry, diy, electronics, fluids, molecular, gastronomy, pH, science, spectrophotometer, spirulina
2012 |
garden, architecture, buildings, landscape, infrastructure, machine, sensors, robotics, air, solar energy, intelligent buildings, community, water parks, sea, water, urban
Kibilight Project
Several Authors
(solafrica org) |
electricity, diy, fair-trade, solar energy, solar lamp, community, environment
My Forest Farm
Dirk Fleischmann
2008 |
reforestatio, .plants, enironment, images, experiment, research, art, carbon, video, farm, exhibition
Ion Sørvin
1994 |
communication, society, lifestyle, land, alternative economy, education, architecture, environment, P2P-Design, art
Perdita Phillips Web
Perdita Phillips
termites, landscapes, minerals, biology, art-science, drawing, photography, sculpture, soun d, environment, media installation, artist
Several Authors
(SKOR ) |
2009 |
art, photography, society, politics, urban, ecology, intervention, port, performance, video, interdisciplinary
Prospero: Robot Farmer
(Dorhout R&D) |
2011 |
productivity, seeds, game theory, computerization, land, plants, genetics, technology, robot, farming, agriculture
Radical - Nature Art and Architecture for a Changing Planet 1969–2009
Several Authors
(Barbican) |
2009 |
city, planet, urbanism, climate change, ecology, exhibition, artists, environment, design, architecture, nature, art
Recycle-X / Plantas Parlantes
Gilberto Esparza, Javier Busturia, Jigni Wang, Ricardo Nascimento , Jelle Dekker
2010 |
environment, technology, education, energy, interaction, food, gardening, electronic medium, sculpture, ecology, water, installation
Recycled island
(WHIM architecture) |
2010 |
island, plastic, recycling, sustainability, urbanism, sea, waste, ocean, architecture, natural resources, habitat, economy, society
Super Kingdom : Monarchy
Jo Joelson,Bruce Gilchrist,Dugal McKinnon
(London Fieldworks) |
2010 |
biology, animals, architecture, environment, territory, displacement, urban, growth, conservation, population
The Enteric Consciousness
Ken Rinaldo
2010 |
technology, design, interactive, visualization, installation, robots, biology, organisms, culture, robotics, art
Urban weave
Lionel Michel , Roland Heuger
1994 |
urban, responsive environment, responsive structure, electroluminiscent wire, installation