Angelo Vermeulen et al.
(The Aesthetic Technologies Lab) |
2007 |
sustainability, hacker space, collaboration, open source, computer systems, ecosystem, nature, technology, science, biology, bioart, ecology, art
Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau Web Page
Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau
1992-2010 |
research, ecology, artificial life, human-machine interaction, video, 3D, language, society, nature, real-time interactive systems, web page, environment, self-organization, interactive, art, artists, genetics, biology, complexity, interaction, education, interface
Extreme Green Guerrillas
Michiko Nitta
2007 |
green guerrilla, migration systems, communication, food, euthanasia, community
Flock House Project
Several Authors
2011 |
project, migration, self-suficience, urban, architecture, habitats, resilience, houses, energy, agriculture, community, politics, autonomous, natural resources, economics, new paradigm, ecosystem, open culture
(blablabLAB) |
2011 |
arduino, biology, bioreactor, chemistry, diy, electronics, fluids, molecular, gastronomy, pH, science, spectrophotometer, spirulina
2012 |
garden, architecture, buildings, landscape, infrastructure, machine, sensors, robotics, air, solar energy, intelligent buildings, community, water parks, sea, water, urban
Jae Rhim Lee Web
Jae Rhim Lee
environment, wearables, diy, design, artist, multi-disciplinary, public art, intervention, death, recycling
Jurema Action Plant
Bert van DuijnIvan Henriques
(V2_) |
2011 |
biology, environment, biodiversity, interaction, environmentalism, prototype, plant, robot
Kibilight Project
Several Authors
(solafrica org) |
electricity, diy, fair-trade, solar energy, solar lamp, community, environment
Laboratory for Visionary Architecture
Chris Bosse, Tobias Wallisser and Alexander Rieck
([LAVA] ) |
2007 |
architecture, technologie, nature, pollution, environtment, responsible future, intelligent systems, skins, materials, reacting environments
Open Columns
Omar Khan et al.
( University at Buffalo) |
architecture, structures, responsive environment, CO2, self-organization, systems, complexity, emergence, adaptability, resilience, nonlinearity, materials, technology, augmented materials
Open Energy
Fran Castillo
( Kitchen Budapest , Goteo) |
2011 |
app, industry, energy saving, environment, sustainability, prototype, augmented reality, monitoring, power consumtion, open hardware, visualization, smart grid, project, energy, creative commons
Prospero: Robot Farmer
(Dorhout R&D) |
2011 |
productivity, seeds, game theory, computerization, land, plants, genetics, technology, robot, farming, agriculture
Reservoir of Seasons
Gálik Györgyi,Gina Haraszti, Marton Juhasz, John Nussey
(KIBU) |
2008 |
ecology, microsystems, environment, climate change, weather, migration, plants, ecosystem
Spore 1.1
Douglas Easterly,Matt Kenyon
2004 |
computer systems, database, controller, reactive environment, ecological interaction, physical computing, responsive environment, gardening, water, plant, trees, sustainability, ecosystem
StemCloud Electro+Bio intelligence
Several Authors
(AltN Research + Ecologic Studio) |
2008 |
responsive environment, environment, architecture, CO2, interaction, LED, sensors