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Project Persons Year Tags
BuyProduct Nitipak Samsen 2009 architecture, design, trees, environment, Dot Samsen, visualization, product, global warming, CO2, project
Carbon credit brings the ‘convenience’ back to the ‘inconvenient truth’. Global warming has been driven by capitalism, now we are trying to solve global warming through capitalism. Is this possible? Should we save the planet for the planet’s sake or for money? From an ecological perspective, CO2 is a byproduct of the living, either directly or indirectly. From the economic perspective, CO2 may become the world's largest commodity market. What do we consider the price of our own byproducts? This project aims to criticise the carbon trading system as well as raise awareness of how good we are at destroying the planet. One problem is how to show the intangible amount of CO2. BreathSink is one simple way of visualization carbon footprint. BreathSink is dry timber which has same CO2 as 1 day of breathing. However, in term of design, what is the function of this BreathSink?
Grower Sabrina Raaf, (Raaf) 2004 sensors, air, CO2, technology, ecology, data, plant, environment, visualization, robot, art
Translator II: Grower is a small 'rover' vehicle which navigates around the periphery of a room. It hugs the room’s walls and responds to the carbon dioxide levels in the air by actually drawing varying heights of 'grass' on the walls in green ink. The Grower robot senses the carbon dioxide (CO2) level in the air via a small digital CO2 sensor. This sensor is mounted high on a wall of the exhibition space and sends data wirelessly to the robot. The number of people in an exhibit space breathing in oxygen and exhaling CO2 has an immediate effect on the sensor. My robot takes a reading of the CO2 level every few seconds and in response it draws a vertical line in green ink on the wall. The line height pertains directly to the level of CO2 (and therefore also the people traffic) in the space. The more CO2, the higher the line is drawn - the maximum height being 1ft. Once Grower completes a line, it moves forward several millimeters and repeats the process.
lumiBots Mey Lean Kronemann 2009-2011 robots, light, sensors, pheromone, organization, complexity, visualization, arduino
The lumiBots are small, autonomous robots that react to light. They can leave glowing traces which slowly fade away, so that older, darker trails are visible as well as newer, brighter ones. This way, generative images that consistently change are generated. They are appealing just for the glow effect, but also have a deeper meaning for the robots: They can follow the lines with their light sensors, and amplify them whilst preferring brighter (newer) and broader (more often used) trails.
Materialize Information Greg Nemes 2009 sensors, data, visualization, gps, spatial, art, sculpture
This project is an exploration of the use of rhinoscripting – specifically in terms of data interpretation. The script takes data from a GPS, heart rate monitor, and stopwatch. During a 12 mile run, I tracked my heart rate, pace, latitude/longitude and elevation. This data was then interpreted by the script – generating a form that visualizes the relationship of the data to one another.
Nanodrizas Arcángel Constantini (Fundacion Telefonica) multimedia, art, environment, technology, wireless, water, acoustics, data, visualization, pollutants, community
Nanodrizas es un ejemplo de una forma emergente de arte multimedia comprometido con el medio ambiente, algo que quizás podríamos denominar “ecotecnología táctica”. Nanodrizas propone una solución a los problemas medioambientales locales concretos mediante dispositivos conectados de forma inalámbrica. En este caso, se trata de dispositivos flotantes que recogen y envían datos sobre la contaminación del agua y responden a las condiciones con intervenciones químicas y expresiones en acústicas.
Open Energy Fran Castillo ( Kitchen Budapest , Goteo) 2011 app, industry, energy saving, environment, sustainability, prototype, augmented reality, monitoring, power consumtion, open hardware, visualization, smart grid, project, energy, creative commons
Open Energy aims to develop a platform to explore new systems of visualization energy use and to optimize it accordingly, both in domestic and industrial environments. The system is built along two dimensions: first one, Energy Monitoring Device, which investigates open hardware devices in which monitoring power consumption, and a second dimension, Open Energy Visualization (Data Visualization / Augmented Reality App), which explores new ways of real-time visualization power consumption in domestic environments. These systems will allow us to amplify our knowledge about the dynamic behavior of energy anywhere. Open Energy is a prototype of energy infrastructure completely Open Source.
Open Energy Monitor Trystan Lea et al. 2009 open-source, energy, monitoring, industry, heat, sustainability, environment, energy consumption, visualization, data, arduino, diy, solar energy
Our technical vision is to create a fully open-source energy monitoring and control system that is suitable for domestic and industrial application. The current system contains the following modules: emonTx, emonBase, emonGLCD, emoncms and can be configured for the following applications: Home energy monitor PV system monitoring Heatpump monitoring Solar hot water monitoring Hot water tank monitoring Water consumption monitoring
Point Cloud James Leng 2012 interactive, monitoring, meteorology, prediction, controll, interpret data, visualitzation, dynamic data, responsive environment, weather data, visualization, arduino
Created by James Leng, Point Cloud is an attempt to re-imagine our daily interaction with weather data. Even with the modern scientific and technological developments related to weather and when we can deploy sophisticated monitoring devices to document and observe weather, our analysis and understanding of meteorology is still largely approximate. Weather continues to surprise us and elude our best attempts to predict, control, and harness the various elements. Point Cloud builds on this premise, exploring new ways to interpret and understand weather data.
Reveal-it! Nina Valkanova et al. 2011 visualization, energy, urban, data, community, intervention, design, interaction, sustainability, awareness
On-going research project. The project “Reveal-it!” envisions the idea of revealing on-site data about the citizens’ consumption processes and its interrelations with energy-related infrastructures publicly in urban communities. It proposes a participatory intervention for interactively discovering and visualizing this data via public projection on urban surfaces. Images of real-world deployments and design process can be seen in our Flickr set.
Strange Weather (Studio for Urban Projects) 2007 climate change, politics, science, language, nature, environment, global warming, green house effect, carbon, visualization, energy, data visualization, evolution
Language is constantly shifting to capture changing popular thought. How is our growing understanding of global climate change – as a scientific, political and cultural phenomenon – reflected in our everyday language? The Studio for Urban Projects believes that the way we think about nature is critical to how we perceive our role within the environment and address problems – such as the imminent crisis of global warming.
The Enteric Consciousness Ken Rinaldo 2010 technology, design, interactive, visualization, installation, robots, biology, organisms, culture, robotics, art
Enteric Consciousness 2010 is a large robotic tongue controlled by an artificial stomach filled with the living bacteria Lactobacillus Acidophulus. The artificial stomach in this installation controls and activates the robotic tongue. If the bacteria within the stomach is healthy and reproducing, then robotic tongue-chair senses the presence of the viewer/interactant reclines and delivers a deluxe 15 minute massage. When the interactant leaves the chair the robot tongue returns to an upright position. The Enteric Consciousness is a commission from the Maison d'Aillieur in Switzerland in 2010 for the Do Robots Dream of Spring retrospective exhibition.