Pigeon d'Or
Tuur Van Balen
2011 |
metabolism, city, urban, pigeons, biotechnology, environment, synthetic biology, bacteria, aestethics, design biology
Akira Nakayasu
(Kyushu University, ADCDU) |
2010 |
installation, video, art, wind, plants, technology, memory alloy, artificial life
Plantas Nomadas
Gilberto Esparza et al.
2010 |
ecology, interaction, plants, environment, robotics, organisms, community, humans
Point Cloud
James Leng
2012 |
interactive, monitoring, meteorology, prediction, controll, interpret data, visualitzation, dynamic data, responsive environment, weather data, visualization, arduino
Several Authors
(SKOR ) |
2009 |
art, photography, society, politics, urban, ecology, intervention, port, performance, video, interdisciplinary
Prometheus Fusion Perfection
Mark Suppes
fusion energy, diy, open source, energy, botmaker, Bussard reactor, fusor, superconductivity, enterpreneur, technology
Prospero: Robot Farmer
(Dorhout R&D) |
2011 |
productivity, seeds, game theory, computerization, land, plants, genetics, technology, robot, farming, agriculture
Cesar Harada et al
(V2_) |
2011 |
environmentalism, open source, open hardware, drone, renewable energy, oil spills, gulf mexico
Pulser pump
Brain White
2010 |
water pump, water, oil, air, energy, ecology, environment, diy
Radical - Nature Art and Architecture for a Changing Planet 1969–2009
Several Authors
(Barbican) |
2009 |
city, planet, urbanism, climate change, ecology, exhibition, artists, environment, design, architecture, nature, art
Recycle-X / Plantas Parlantes
Gilberto Esparza, Javier Busturia, Jigni Wang, Ricardo Nascimento , Jelle Dekker
2010 |
environment, technology, education, energy, interaction, food, gardening, electronic medium, sculpture, ecology, water, installation
Recycled island
(WHIM architecture) |
2010 |
island, plastic, recycling, sustainability, urbanism, sea, waste, ocean, architecture, natural resources, habitat, economy, society
Reservoir of Seasons
Gálik Györgyi,Gina Haraszti, Marton Juhasz, John Nussey
(KIBU) |
2008 |
ecology, microsystems, environment, climate change, weather, migration, plants, ecosystem
Nina Valkanova et al.
2011 |
visualization, energy, urban, data, community, intervention, design, interaction, sustainability, awareness
Roman Kirschner
2005 |
generative art, soundart, newmedia, fungi, electricity, art, water, installation
RSA Arts and Ecology Centre
Michaela Crimmin et al.
(RSA) |
2005 |
centre, ecology, arts, organisation, artists, environment, climate change, human impact, interdisciplinary, progess
Searching for the Ubiquitous Genetically Engineered Machine
Yashas Shetty,Mukund Thattai
(ArtScienceBangalore) |
2012 |
biology, life, living parts, soil, environment, synthetic biology, engineered products, ecology, lab, biotechnology
Spore 1.1
Douglas Easterly,Matt Kenyon
2004 |
computer systems, database, controller, reactive environment, ecological interaction, physical computing, responsive environment, gardening, water, plant, trees, sustainability, ecosystem
StemCloud Electro+Bio intelligence
Several Authors
(AltN Research + Ecologic Studio) |
2008 |
responsive environment, environment, architecture, CO2, interaction, LED, sensors
Strange Weather
(Studio for Urban Projects) |
2007 |
climate change, politics, science, language, nature, environment, global warming, green house effect, carbon, visualization, energy, data visualization, evolution
Jonas Burki
1991 |
sunlight, information, design, technology, aestethics, screen, nature, symbiosis
Super Kingdom : Monarchy
Jo Joelson,Bruce Gilchrist,Dugal McKinnon
(London Fieldworks) |
2010 |
biology, animals, architecture, environment, territory, displacement, urban, growth, conservation, population
Surface Tension
Several Authors
(Science Gallery) |
2011 |
water, future, artists, exhibition, natural resources, sustainability, environment, science, engineering, politics
Several Authors
(The University of Western Australia) |
research, bio art, biology, biotechnology, design, education, laboratory, science, art
Several Authors
(V2_) |
1997 |
book, essays, design, phylosophy, semiotics, intelligence, life, parasites, cyborg, science, evolution, biology, technology
The Body is a Big Place
Peta Clancy,Helen Pynor
2012 |
transplantation, death, biology, bio-art, installation, sculpture, heart, organs, live
The Energy Pilots
Elliott P. Montgomery
2011 |
energy, business, technology, carbon, marketing, society, strategies
The Enteric Consciousness
Ken Rinaldo
2010 |
technology, design, interactive, visualization, installation, robots, biology, organisms, culture, robotics, art
The Great Work of the Metal Lover
Adam Brown
2012 |
alchemi, science, art, transmutation, biology, microbiology, bacterium, bioreactor, life, chemistry, gold, electron microscopy
The Guerrilla Gardening
Richard Reynolds
2004 |
guerrilla gardening, fun, urban, community, blog, garden, green, sustainability, activism, environmentgardening