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Project Persons Year Tags
AMFI Marco Mossinkoff (Amsterdam Fashion Institute-AMFI) workshops, guest lectures, international excursions, exchanges, traineeships, courses, students, institute, fashion, research, development
The Amsterdam Fashion Institute is part of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (University of Professional Education in Amsterdam - HvA). The four-year higher vocational bachelor programme is intended for young people with the ambition to develop their innovative skills in preparation for a leading management position in the fashion sector. The Amsterdam Fashion Institute is unique in the Netherlands and trains students for all key positions - from designer to buyer. After a joint first year course, the students have a choice of three specialisations: Fashion & Management, Fashion & Design and Fashion & Branding.
Fiber Optic Valley (Fiber Optic Valley) fiber, fibre, optic, shop, buy, company
We are an organization working to make Sweden into the world leader in the development of products and services in the technology area of Broadband and Fiber optic sensors. This technology is the foundation for virtually all modern information technology and is a dynamic and rapidly growing industry. The organization also has developed an expertise in the area of innovative leadership and gender management. Our core business is to assist the growth of local and global companies. This is achieved through our unique support in the form of research, training, financing, contacts and business development combined with and equally unique test environment for technical tests and behavioral science studies.
Flare Dress Stijn Ossevoort electronic engineering, user interface research, product design, material research, technical project management, production management, microprocessor programming, graphic design, 3D visualization
This little LED number called Flare is the sustainable party girl’s answer to looking beautiful and technically tailored. Imagine showing up at the company holiday party aglow in the Stijn Ossevoort creation! In spite of all the buzz from the gadget geeks proclaiming the wonders of wearing something as fashion-forward as Flare, one question keeps flashing like a red light: What if it gets wet? No worries. The Flare dress runs on wind energy which means if worn correctly (read: walk really fast) the dandelions will light up from your personally generated breezes.
Kerry Bodine Kerry Bodine hardware control, physical realm, prototyping with electronics, project management, usability testing, interaction design, user centered research, student, designer, physical interaction design, tangible media, arts disciplines
My professional experience includes user-centered research, interaction design, usability testing, project management, consulting and teaching. I've published research on instant messaging with kinetic typography and on the comfort of wearable artifacts. I'm always looking for interesting collaborative design projects, especially in the area of wearable technology.
Nottingham Trent University Phillip Breedon (Nottingham Trent University) point of sale/marketing/retail/exhibition designers and design engineers, product designers, packaging designers, design technology, school, CAD, web designers, innovations
The School brings you challenging courses that launch careers in product and furniture design, architecture, construction, surveying, civil engineering and property investment, development and management. Youíll develop the knowledge and skills to shape the modern world we live in.
Novanex Alexandra Baum (Novanex) lifestyle, fashion, interior, automative, healtcare, medicine, sports, military, workwear, project management, material screening, workshop, electronics, marketing, research, product development, trendsetting technologies, design company, innovative textile products, promotions, event, trade fairs, promotion apparel, Concept and design of individual outfits, Development of colour and design concepts, Sample production
Novanex is a design company specialised in design, product development and manufacture of innovative textile products. Our objective is to combine intelligent design and trendsetting technologies optimally with one another. The sustainability issue also plays a very important role here.
Saxion Michiel Scheffer (Saxion Hogeschool) market research, marketing activities, knowledge of design and styling, made clothes, university, bachelor, students, school, Textile Engineering, Management, art, technology, technological innovations, new material research, development
The international clothing and textiles market is, without a doubt, a very dynamic one. To be successful in this industry a Product Manager needs to be able to draw not only on his or her technical knowledge of textiles, but also increasingly on a sound understanding of business principles and the manufacturing process in a wider context. Therefore the focus of this course is on Product Management in Clothing and Textiles.
The solar powered tie (Iowa State University-Department of Apparel, Educational studies & hospitality management) geek, concept, school, new projects, apparel, fun, gadget
Mission Provide integrated yet customized education and scholarship to optimize apparel and related products, services, and experiences. Vision Leadership in education, scholarship and engagement focusing on apparel and related products, services and experiences in a global context.
The Textile Institute Vanessa Knowles (The Textile Institute) textile institute, school, professionalism, textile industries, worldwide, management, art, design, fashion, economics, science, engineering, research, production, marketing, selling, retailing, education, training, commercial operations, fibre production
The mission of The Textile Institute is to promote professionalism in all areas associated with the textile industries worldwide. It is an association of men and women throughout the world which unites those with an interest in textiles. The individual professional expertise of members is diverse: it includes management, art, design, fashion, economics, science, engineering, research, production, marketing, selling, retailing, education and training. These skills relate to the totality of industrial and commercial operations from fibre production to the use of products by individual and corporate consumers.