Fashion at the Edge: Spectacle, Modernity, and Deathliness
Caroline Evans
2003 |
images, fashion history, book, fashion designer
Fashioning Technology
Syuzi Pakhchyan
2008 |
collaborations, research, projects, fashion world, news, arduino, wearable technology, diy, workshop, book, blog, events, conference, free, crafts, trends
Fashioning the future
Suzanne Lee
2005 |
textile art, textile and smart technology, new matrials, new technology, creative exploration, innovative directions, tomorrow's wardrobe, Emergent technologies, Future Fashion, book, fashion history, design, accessories, wearable technology
Unravel @ siggraph
2006 |
tech, wearable, exhibition, show, fashion
Xtreme Fashion
Courtenay Smith, Sean Topham
2005 |
Daniele Buetti, Alicia Framis, Vexed Generation, Freddie Robins, Moreno Ferrari, artists, designers, urban conditions, fashion starts, fashinating text, photos, environment, fashion world, book, Lucy Orta, Hussein Chalayan, clothing, human body