(Schoeller Technologies AG) |
new textile, 2 layers, water repellent, absorbs perspiration, air permiability, fabrics
Alt-w Fund
(Scottish Arts Council) |
development, agency, new media
(SmartProjects, SparkFun Electronics, Gravitech) |
open-source electronics prototyping platform, flexible, easy to use, hardware, software, interactive objects, environments, built by hand, controlling lights and motors, diy
Auger Loizeau
James Auger, Jimmy Loizeau
(Auger Loizeau) |
project, critical, body
Prof. Dr. Thomas Fischer
research, textile, hybrid, technology, shape memory alloy, sma,
Bagir Group
Israel Pollack
(Bagir Group) |
wearing experience, hight quality tailored fashions, manufacturing, developing, group, multinational, fashion, confort, performance
Viktor & Rolf
2002 |
catwalk, innovation, screen, haute couture, fashion, company, designer, brand, bright blue garments, reflective textile
(Catapult) |
website, blog, textiles, smart
Pietro Vincenzini - General Chair
(cimtec) |
ongoing |
electronics, smart textiles, conferences, event
Conductive Thread
(Sparkfun) |
buy, material, conductive, thread
Francesca Rosella, Ryan Genz
(CuteCircuit) |
2004 |
workshop, smart textile, fashion, wearable technology, interactive clothing, company, interaction, social, circuit
Kaye Ashton
(Frances Burke Textile Resource Centre, RMIT University) |
materials, textiles, fibres, database, website
Department of Design | Media Arts
(School of Arts and Architecture at the University of California) |
information, virtual environments, ubiquitos computing, interface design, interaction, digital-media arts, school of art and architecture, university of california, los angeles, designer, artists, media, design, innovation, arts, course, school, university, students, creative exploration, visual communication, typography, spaces, networked agents, research
Fashion as Communication
Malcolm Barnard
2002 |
power of fashion, communications, fashion, tendence, lifestyle, book, cultural
Fashion Fianchettos
Otto von Busch
code, draping, algebraic, fashion, experiment, workshop, paper
Institute for soldier nanotechnologies
(MIT) |
2002 |
nanotechnology, school, institute, research
International Fashion Machines
Maggie Orth
(International Fashion Machines ) |
contemporary design, functional
(Nyx Clothing) |
garment, computer controlled, wearable technology, style, fashion, jackets, apparel, clothing, LED, collaborations, performance, fun-loving experience, flexible panels, clubber, entertainent, sales representative, sound processor
Keyboard Trousers
Erik De Nijs
2009 |
nerd, geek, fun, wireless, keyboard, garment, wearable, concept, young
Corey Menscher
2009 |
wearable, interaction design, easy, fun, pregnant mother, Vibration sensors, product, fabric, confort, microcontroller, garment, kick, Twitter, family, message
Mika Satomi and Hannah Perner-Wilson
(Kobakant) |
2007 |
concepts, workshop, wearable, fashionable technology, DIY, technological art, social, interaction
MIT-Media Lab
(MIT-Media Lab) |
1985 |
researcher group, atelier, scientists, artists, engineers, lab designers, human capabilities, transform, everyday life, emerging technologies, research, MIT, doing, developing technologies, social, design, interaction, new possibilities
Nano Force
(Nano Force) |
nano, technology, polymers, particles, nano tubes, carbon, company, research
Ir. Els Van der Burght
2010 |
wearability, confort, electronic processor, wearable sensor, nanotechnology, high level, protective textile, protective apparel, chemical, biological, nuclear, ballistic, clothing, intelligent textile, defense, study institute, textile materials, design, manufacturing, New dress concepts, Department of Textiles/ UGent
Lorna Goulden
(Philips Design-Research) |
cultural spheres, smart material, technology, collaborations, products, Multi-sensorial, research, design, technology, innovation
Ben Fry, Casey Reas
(Processing) |
2001 |
online, community, programming language, visual arts
Ritmo Pregnancy
(Nuvo) |
safe, music, sound, wearable, pregnancy, gadget, fun, music player, stylish
Rubber: Fun, Fashion, Fetish
Janet Bloor, John D. Sinclair
2004 |
rubber, new material, jewelry, images, book, new applications
Schoeller Textiles
(Schoeller Textiles) |
soft shells, technologies, company, protective fabrics, stretch fabrics, weather protection, intelligent textile products, fashion, textile for fashionable functions
Smart Second Skin Dress
Jenny Tillotson
human biology, garment, wearer, scents, new interactive fabric, senses, body's circulatin system, wearable, micro mechanisms, communication system, aromatic messages, body