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Project Persons Year Tags
Fashion Institute Arnhem (ArtEZ) fashion master, Fashion Curation, Fashion Journalism, Futurising, Branded Design, Shoe Design, Fashion Design, future fashion, projects, students
The course is meant for fashion designers who wish to refine their personal signature and develop their skills as independent designers. During the year students work under conditions that simulate the reality of an independent fashion designer. Professionals from the work field will provide individual coaching.
Fashioning the future Suzanne Lee 2005 textile art, textile and smart technology, new matrials, new technology, creative exploration, innovative directions, tomorrow's wardrobe, Emergent technologies, Future Fashion, book, fashion history, design, accessories, wearable technology
Fashioning the Future is a visionary and creative exploration of where fashion and clothing are heading, the very first guide to the future wardrobe and the emergent technologies making it possible. Ten major themes embrace all kinds of clothing, from The Spray-On Dress to The Talking T-Shirt, all accompanied by Warren du Preez and Nick Thornton Joness distinctive images. Both a unique visual journey and an inspirational research tool, this book is aimed at the entire fashion world, design students and global marketeers.
Twenty1f (Twenty1f) blog, tech, future fashion, clothing, textiles, technology, design, news, design, artists & technologists, fashion
TWENTY1F (or 21F) is a group of designers, researchers, artists & technologists pushing the boundaries of fashion. We are committed to exploring and documenting the redefinition of the body and society through the hybridization of clothing and technology. 21F features news, events, opportunities, and resources. ( is not found by the server anymore, but you can still see a lot of images on Google search.)