Kaye Ashton
(Frances Burke Textile Resource Centre, RMIT University) |
materials, textiles, fibres, database, website
Department of Design | Media Arts
(School of Arts and Architecture at the University of California) |
information, virtual environments, ubiquitos computing, interface design, interaction, digital-media arts, school of art and architecture, university of california, los angeles, designer, artists, media, design, innovation, arts, course, school, university, students, creative exploration, visual communication, typography, spaces, networked agents, research
industrial design today, courses, education, competitions, history, contemporary, shop, interviews, snapshots, design-aerobics
Extreme Beauty: The Body Transformed
Harold Koda
2001 |
clothing, accessories, body, anthropology, sociology, art, history, book, haute couture, body, beautiful
Fashion and Modernity
Christopher Breward, Caroline Evans
2005 |
book, fashion, history, contemporary fashion
Fashion at the Edge: Spectacle, Modernity, and Deathliness
Caroline Evans
2003 |
images, fashion history, book, fashion designer
Fashioning the future
Suzanne Lee
2005 |
textile art, textile and smart technology, new matrials, new technology, creative exploration, innovative directions, tomorrow's wardrobe, Emergent technologies, Future Fashion, book, fashion history, design, accessories, wearable technology
2006 |
performance, nano arts, computer science, architecture, anthropology, virtual art, media art history, conference, photography, pop culture, visual culture
Sonia Delaunay: Fashion and Fabrics
Jacques Damase, Sonia Delaunay
1997 |
art deco, fabric design, robert delaunay, fashion history, book
The culture of fashion: a new history of fashionable dress
Christopher Breward
fashion journalism, fashion history, book, clothing, advertising
Understanding Fashion History
Valerie Cumming
2004 |
book, fashion history, plates, photographs, paintings, drawings, dress, fabric, textile, materials
XS labs
Joanna Berzowska
(XS labs) |
lab, innovation, electronic textiles, reactive garments, interactions, design research studio, complex textile-based surfaces, transitive properties